SpecGreedy is a unified fast algorithm for the generalized densest subgraph detection problem (GenDS) based on the graph spectral properties and a greedy peeling approach.
- Theory & Correspondences: the unified formulation, GenDS, subsumes many real problems from different applications; and its optimization is guaranteed by the spectral theory.
- Scalable: SpecGreedy runs linearly with the graph size.
- Effectiveness: The performance (solution-quality and speedy) of SpecGreedy is verified on 40 real world networks; and it can find some interesting patterns in real applications, like the sudden bursts in research co-authorship relationships
[The repo will be updated soon]
The datasets used are available online, they are from some popular network repositories, including Stanford's SNAP, AUS's Social Computing Data Repository, Network Repository, Aminer scholar datasets, Koblenz Nwtwork Collection, and MPI-SWS social datasets.
Python 3.6 is supported in the current version.
To install required libraries, please type
pip install -r requirements
Demo for detecting the densest subgraph, please type
If you use this code as part of any published research, please acknowledge the following papers.
title={SpecGreedy: Unified Dense Subgraph Detection},
author={Wenjie Feng, Shenghua Liu, Danai Koutra, Huawei Shen, and Xueqi Cheng},
booktitle={European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD)},