Games::EveOnline::API - A simple Perl wrapper around the EveOnline XML API. (DEPRECATED)
use Games::EveOnline::API;
my $eapi = Games::EveOnline::API->new();
my $skill_groups = $eapi->skill_tree();
my $ref_types = $eapi->ref_types();
my $systems = $eapi->sovereignty();
# The rest of the methods require authentication.
my $eapi = Games::EveOnline::API->new( user_id => '..', api_key => '..' );
my $characters = $eapi->characters();
my $sheet = $eapi->character_sheet( character_id => $character_id );
my $in_training = $eapi->skill_in_training( character_id => $character_id );
This module is no longer being maintained as the XML API is no more.
This module provides a Perl wrapper around the Eve-Online API, version 2. The need for the wrapper arrises for two reasons. First, the XML that is provided by the API is overly complex, at least for my taste. So, other than just returning you a perl data representation of the XML, it also simplifies the results.
Only a couple of the methods provided by this module can be used straight away. The rest require that you get a user_id (keyID) and api_key (vCode).
Most of these methods return a 'cached_until' value. I've no clue if this is CCP telling you how long you should cache the information before you should request it again, or if this is the point at which CCP will refresh their cache of this information.
Either way, it is good etiquet to follow the cacheing guidelines of a provider. If you over-use the API I'm sure you'll eventually get blocked.
An Eve Online API user ID (also known as a keyID).
The key, as provided Eve Online, to access the API (also known as a vCode).
Set the default character_id
. Any methods that require
a characte ID, and are not given one, will use this one.
The URL that will be used to access the Eve Online API. Defaults to Normally you won't want to change this.
The underlying LWP::UserAgent object. Default to a new one with no special arguments. Override this if you want to, for example, enable keepalive or an HTTP proxy.
These methods may be called anonymously, without authentication.
my $skill_groups = $eapi->skill_tree();
Returns a complex data structure containing the entire skill tree. The data structure is:
cached_until => $date_time,
$group_id => {
name => $group_name,
skills => {
$skill_id => {
name => $skill_name,
description => $skill_description,
rank => $skill_rank,
primary_attribute => $skill_primary_attribute,
secondary_attribute => $skill_secondary_attribute,
bonuses => {
$bonus_name => $bonus_value,
required_skills => {
$skill_id => $skill_level,
my $ref_types = $eapi->ref_types();
Returns a simple hash structure containing definitions of the various financial transaction types. This is useful when pulling wallet information. The key of the hash is the ref type's ID, and the value of the title of the ref type.
my $systems = $eapi->sovereignty();
Returns a hashref where each key is the system ID, and the value is a hashref with the keys:
These methods require authentication to use, so you must have set the "user_id" and "api_key" arguments to use them.
my $characters = $eapi->characters();
Returns a hashref where key is the character ID and the value is a hashref with a couple bits about the character. Here's a sample:
'1972081734' => {
'corporation_name' => 'Bellator Apparatus',
'corporation_id' => '1044143901',
'name' => 'Ardent Dawn'
my $sheet = $eapi->character_sheet( character_id => $character_id );
For the given character ID a hashref is returned with the all the information about the character. Here's a sample:
'name' => 'Ardent Dawn',
'balance' => '99010910.10',
'race' => 'Amarr',
'blood_line' => 'Amarr',
'corporation_name' => 'Bellator Apparatus',
'corporation_id' => '1044143901',
'skills' => {
'3455' => {
'level' => '2',
'skill_points' => '1415'
# Removed the rest of the skills for readability.
'attribute_enhancers' => {
'memory' => {
'value' => '3',
'name' => 'Memory Augmentation - Basic'
# Removed the rest of the enhancers for readability.
'attributes' => {
'memory' => '7',
'intelligence' => '7',
'perception' => '4',
'charisma' => '4',
'willpower' => '17'
my $in_training = $eapi->skill_in_training( character_id => $character_id );
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'current_tq_time' => {
'content' => '2008-05-10 04:06:35',
'offset' => '0'
'end_time' => '2008-05-10 19:23:18',
'start_sp' => '139147',
'to_level' => '5',
'start_time' => '2008-05-07 16:15:05',
'skill_id' => '3436',
'end_sp' => '256000'
my $api_info = $eapi->api_key_info();
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'cached_until' => '2014-06-26 16:57:40',
'type' => 'Account',
'access_mask' => '268435455',
'characters' => {
'12345678' => {
'faction_id' => '0',
'character_name' => 'Char Name',
'corporation_name' => 'School of Applied Knowledge',
'faction_name' => '',
'alliance_id' => '0',
'corporation_id' => '1000044',
'alliance_name' => ''
'87654321' => {
'faction_id' => '0',
'character_name' => 'Char Name2',
'corporation_name' => 'Corp Name',
'faction_name' => '',
'alliance_id' => '1234567890',
'corporation_id' => '987654321',
'alliance_name' => 'Alliance Name'
'expires' => ''
my $account_status = $eapi->account_status();
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'cachedUntil' => '2014-06-26 17:17:12',
'logon_minutes' => '79114',
'logon_count' => '940',
'create_date' => '2011-06-22 11:44:37',
'paid_until' => '2014-08-26 16:37:43'
my $character_info = $eapi->character_info( character_id => $character_id );
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'character_name' => 'Char Name',
'alliance_id' => '1234567890',
'corporation_id' => '987654321',
'corporation' => 'Corp Name',
'alliance' => 'Alliance Name',
'race' => 'Caldari',
'bloodline' => 'Achura',
'skill_points' => '40955856',
'employment_history' => {
'23046655' => {
'corporation_id' => '123456789',
'start_date' => '2013-02-03 13:39:00',
'record_id' => '23046655'
'29131760' => {
'corporation_id' => '987654321',
'start_date' => '2013-11-04 16:40:00',
'record_id' => '29131760'
'ship_type_id' => '670',
'account_balance' => '38131.68',
'cached_until' => '2014-06-26 17:18:29',
'last_known_location' => 'Jita',
'character_id' => '12345678',
'alliance_date' => '2012-08-05 00:12:00',
'corporation_date' => '2012-09-11 20:32:00',
'ship_type_name' => 'Capsule',
'security_status' => '1.3534973114985',
'ship_name' => 'Char Name Capsule'
my $asset_list = $eapi->asset_list( character_id => $character_id );
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'1014951232473' => {
'contents' => {
'1014957890964' => {
'type_id' => '2454',
'quantity' => '1',
'flag' => '87',
'raw_quantity' => '-1',
'singleton' => '1',
'item_id' => '1014957890964'
'quantity' => '1',
'flag' => '4',
'location_id' => '60014680',
'singleton' => '1',
'item_id' => '1014951232473',
'type_id' => '32880',
'raw_quantity' => '-1'
'1014951385057' => {
'type_id' => '1178',
'quantity' => '1',
'flag' => '4',
'raw_quantity' => '-2',
'location_id' => '60015001',
'singleton' => '1',
'item_id' => '1014951385057'
my $contact_list = $eapi->contact_list( character_id => $character_id );
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'contact_list' => {
'962693552' => {
'standing' => '10',
'contact_name' => 'Char Name',
'contact_id' => '962693552',
'in_watchlist' => undef,
'contact_type_id' => '1384'
'3019494' => {
'standing' => '0',
'contact_name' => 'Char Name 3',
'contact_id' => '3019494',
'in_watchlist' => undef,
'contact_type_id' => '1375'
'1879838281' => {
'standing' => '10',
'contact_name' => 'Char Name 2',
'contact_id' => '1879838281',
'in_watchlist' => undef,
'contact_type_id' => '1378'
my $wallet_transactions = $eapi->wallet_transactions(
character_id => $character_id,
row_count => $row_count, # optional, default is 2560
account_key => $account_key, # optional, default is 1000
from_id => $args{from_id}, # optional, need for offset
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'3499165305' => {
'type_name' => 'Mining Frigate',
'quantity' => '1',
'client_id' => '90646537',
'transaction_date_time' => '2014-06-28 12:23:41',
'station_id' => '60015001',
'transaction_id' => '3499165305',
'transaction_for' => 'personal',
'type_id' => '32918',
'station_name' => 'Akiainavas III - School of Applied Knowledge',
'client_name' => 'Zeta Zhang',
'price' => '1201.02',
'transaction_type' => 'sell'
'3482136396' => {
'type_name' => 'Mining Barge',
'quantity' => '1',
'client_id' => '1000167',
'transaction_date_time' => '2014-06-15 20:15:26',
'station_id' => '60014680',
'transaction_id' => '3482136396',
'transaction_for' => 'personal',
'type_id' => '17940',
'station_name' => 'Autama V - Moon 9 - State War Academy',
'client_name' => 'State War Academy',
'price' => '500000.00',
'transaction_type' => 'buy'
my $wallet_journal = $eapi->wallet_journal(
character_id => $character_id,
row_count => $row_count, # optional, default is 2560
account_key => $account_key, # optional, default is 1000
from_id => $args{from_id}, # optional, need for offset
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'9729070529' => {
'owner_name2' => 'Milolika Muvila',
'arg_id1' => '0',
'date' => '2014-07-08 19:02:53',
'reason' => '',
'tax_receiver_id' => '',
'owner_name1' => 'Cyno Chain',
'amount' => '814900000.00',
'owner_id1' => '93496706',
'tax_amount' => '',
'balance' => '826371087.94',
'arg_name1' => '3513456219',
'ref_id' => '9729070529',
'ref_type_id' => '2',
'owner_id2' => '94701913'
'9729071394' => {
'owner_name2' => '',
'arg_id1' => '0',
'date' => '2014-07-08 19:03:04',
'reason' => '',
'tax_receiver_id' => '',
'owner_name1' => 'Milolika Muvila',
'amount' => '-28369982.50',
'owner_id1' => '94701913',
'tax_amount' => '',
'balance' => '785777605.44',
'arg_name1' => '',
'ref_id' => '9729071394',
'ref_type_id' => '42',
'owner_id2' => '0'
my $mail_messages = $eapi->mail_messages( character_id => $character_id );
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'331477595' => {
'to_list_id' => '145156607',
'message_id' => '331477595',
'to_character_ids' => '',
'sender_id' => '91669871',
'sent_date' => '2013-10-08 06:30:00',
'to_corp_or_alliance_id' => '',
'title' =>
'sender_name' => 'Valerii Ostudnev'
'336393982' => {
'to_list_id' => '',
'message_id' => '336393982',
'to_character_ids' => '1203082547',
'sender_id' => '90922771',
'sent_date' => '2014-03-02 13:30:00',
'to_corp_or_alliance_id' => '',
'title' => 'TSG -> Z-H',
'sender_name' => 'Chips Merkaba'
'cached_until' => '2014-07-10 18:33:59'
my $mail_bodies = $eapi->mail_bodies( character_id => $character_id, ids => $ids );
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'cached_until' => '2024-07-07 18:13:16',
'missing_message_ids' => '331477591',
'331477595' =>
"<font size=\"12\" color=\"#bfffffff\"></font><font size=\"12\" color=\"#fff7931e\"><a href=\"contract:30004977//73497683\">[Multiple Items]</a></font>"
my $mail_lists = $eapi->mail_lists( character_id => $character_id );
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'cached_until' => '2014-07-11 00:06:57',
'145156367' => 'RAISA Shield Fits'
my $character_name = $eapi->character_name( ids => '90922771,94701913' );
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'94701913' => 'Milolika Muvila',
'cached_until' => '2014-08-10 20:59:55',
'90922771' => 'Chips Merkaba'
my $character_ids = $eapi->character_ids( names => 'Milolika Muvila,Chips Merkaba' );
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'94701913' => 'Milolika Muvila',
'cached_until' => '2014-08-10 20:59:55',
'90922771' => 'Chips Merkaba'
my $station_list = $eapi->station_list();
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'61000051' => {
'station_type_id' => '21644',
'corporation_name' => 'Nulli Secunda Holding',
'corporation_id' => '1463841432',
'station_name' => 'DB1R-4 VIII - We brought the Trash Out',
'solar_system_id' => '30004470',
'station_id' => '61000051'
'61000438' => {
'station_type_id' => '21646',
'corporation_name' => 'Greater Western Co-Prosperity Sphere Exec',
'corporation_id' => '98237912',
'station_name' => 'F-D49D III - Error - Clever name not found',
'solar_system_id' => '30000279',
'station_id' => '61000438'
my $station_list = $eapi->corporation_sheet();
Returns a hashref with the following structure:
'shares' => '1000',
'faction_id' => '0',
'cached_until' => '2014-08-24 22:18:02',
'member_count' => '43',
'alliance_id' => '0',
'corporation_id' => '1043735888',
'description' =>
"\x{418}\x{441}\x{441}\x{43b}\x{435}\x{434}\x{43e}\x{432}\x{430}\x{43d}\x{438}\x{44f} \x{438} \x{440}\x{430}\x{437}\x{440}\x{430}\x{431}\x{43e}\x{442}\x{43a}\x{438}",
'station_id' => '60004861',
'ceo_name' => 'Krasotulya',
'logo' => {
'color3' => '674',
'color1' => '677',
'shape3' => '415',
'shape2' => '480',
'graphic_id' => '0',
'shape1' => '437',
'color2' => '676'
'tax_rate' => '5',
'corporation_name' => 'Zaporozhye Sich',
'ceo_id' => '423270919',
'url' => 'http://',
'station_name' => 'Lasleinur V - Moon 11 - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant'
Please submit bugs and feature requests to the Games-EveOnline-API GitHub issue tracker:
Note that, due to the "DEPRECATED" nature of this distribution, new features and such may be denied.
Aran Clary Deltac <[email protected]>
Andrey Chips Kuzmin <[email protected]>
Mohammad S Anwar <[email protected]>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.