This library provides a virtual currency backed by a Blockmason Link project.
Add the following line to your project file:
<PackageReference Include="Blockmason.Coins" Version="1.0.0"/>
Sign up for Blockmason Link and copy/paste the contents of Blockmason.Coins.sol into your project.
Import this library:
using Blockmason.Coins;
Create a treasury to manage your coins:
// Replace with your Link project's Client ID and Client Secret
Treasury treasury = new Treasury("<client-id>", "<client-secret>");
Mint some coins for one of your users:
// This library just needs a numeric user ID to keep track of who owns what
Coin coin = await treasury.Mint(userId, amount);
Burn coins from the supply:
await treasury.Burn(userId, amount);
Transfer a stack of coins between two users:
await treasury.Transfer(coin, toUserId);
A Coin
has a Holder
and an Amount