This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 8, 2019. It is now read-only.
Bug Fixes
- 2FA: don't allow phone number change while SMS 2FA is enabled
(9bf36310) - DidYouKnow: use states instead of paths, cleaned up and added tests
(7d498725) - SecurityCenter: email and password hint interaction with bcasync
(f8ac727c) - Upgrade: don't allow ESC key to close modal
(6b4f9caf) - activityFeed: update recent transactions when display currency is toggled
(cd9ef576) - alerts: use directive to display alerts, fix closing behavior
(7cf31d37) - bcAsyncInput: interaction fix for hiding and showing input fields
(640dbb1a) - changePassword:
- home: show imported addresses in balance table even with 0 balance
(d6f0eb12) - note: trigger update after setting a tx note
(dd1359e1) - preferences: add minutes unit to logout time display
(b08ebe1b) - security:
- send:
- translations: fix display of translations followed by :
- Deploy: hardcode version and show in console
(e9ac4c38) - Upgrade: redirect to classic login if refused
(5b267792) - dev:
- SecurityCenter: add tests
- changePassword: test for setting password to email / current password