This backend is an additional module for Terra Telegram Bot and operates with terra-telegram-bot-website.
First you need to add a necessary configuration, to do it just create a .env
file out of the template.env
and fill out all empty variables.
Before starting install dependencies with
npm install
Intellij run
configuration is available out of the box, to start just run app.ts
Most of the methods in this API can be called only by users logged in via Telegram Seamless Login. You need to pass all HTTP arguments added by Telegram to use protected methods.
No API docs are available at the moment as this project is in early beta, for available routes just see code
under /router
For deployment pm2 is used. First you have to set up your deployment with one of these command testnet and mainnet deployments available
pm2 deploy testnet.json testnet setup
pm2 deploy mainnet.json production setup
Then you need to connect to your machine and create an .env
file from template.env
in the root folder. Fill this up
with your data. Now you are ready to deploy!
To deploy testnet instance run
pm2 deploy testnet.json testnet
To deploy production instance run
pm2 deploy mainnet.json production
Hint: If you have uncommitted changes and pm2 blocks your deployment use --force
To check how to display logs, status and other useful data see pm2 quick start guide.