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for the original README and additional setup possiblities.
Hyperledger Fabric - HF Kubernetes - K8s
- A running Kubernetes Cluster
- Kubectl same version as your K8s cluster (we used 1.17.5)
- Helm 3
- jq 1.5+
- yq 2.6+
- Argo CLI, CLI 2.4.0+ (Argo Controller gets installed automatically by setup script)
- Run all the commands in fabric-kube folder
- AWS EKS users please also apply this fix
This quickstart sets up a Hyperledger Fabric network on one Kubernetes Cluster in three different namespaces.
You need a running K8s cluster, and the path to the K8s config file.
Open the terminal and type:
./ ~/path/to/YOUR-CLUSTER-kubeconfig.yaml
Then let it run, and watch out for any errors.
To quickly remove all HF related resources from your K8s cluster:
./ ~/path/to/YOUR-CLUSTER-kubeconfig.yaml