Mega menu foundation nav walker for sage roots
Create new file in app folder "navigation-top.php" and paste walker class
In functions.php add to array map new file "navigation-top.php"
['helpers', 'setup', 'filters', 'navigation-top', 'admin']);
Register new walker
@php $mainNavArgs = [ 'container' => 'ul', 'menu' => __('Primary Navigation', 'sage'), 'menu_class' => 'mega-menu-top-menu', 'theme_location' => 'primary_navigation', 'items_wrap' => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s</ul>', 'fallback_cb' => false, 'walker' => new WH_Foundation_Mega_Menu_Walker() ]; @endphp {!! wp_nav_menu($mainNavArgs) !!}
Create new menu in wordpress
Menu structure
- Home
- Shop
- col1 with class "wh-col-mm-span"
- Category name 1
- Bananas
- Apples
- Oranges
- col1 with class "wh-col-mm-span"
- Category name 2
- Cars
- Bikes
- Boats
- col1 with class "wh-col-mm-span"
- Category name 3
- Women
- Men
- Kids
- col1 with class "wh-col-mm-span"
- Category name 4
- Rugby
- Football
- Boxing
- col1 with class "wh-col-mm-span"
In css file set "display:none!important;" for class wh-col-mm-span to keeping columns properly