Code source de Mathraining, le site interactif d'initiation à la résolution de problèmes mathématiques avancés.
Vous êtes libres et encouragés à participer à son développement en soumettant des bugs ou suggestions d'amélioration.
First you need to clone the github repository (or a fork of it) on your computer:
$ git clone
In the created folder 'mathraining', you should install the needed 'gems':
$ bundle config set --local without 'production'
$ bundle install
Then it is time to create the database:
$ rake db:create # Create the database
$ rake db:migrate # Migrate the database (see db/migrate/)
$ rake db:seed # Seed the database (see db/seeds.rb)
$ rake db:populate # Populate the database (see lib/tasks/sample_data.rake)
To test the website locally, you can simply do:
$ rails s # And then visit localhost:3000 in your browser
To run tests, do:
$ rake db:test:prepare # Must be done when the db structure changes
$ rspec . # '.' can be replaced by a path to one file in spec/