Initial Pre-Release: Flutter Desktop App for LMM Analysis and ODE Solving
We are excited to announce the initial pre-release of our desktop application built with Flutter, designed to facilitate the analysis of Linear Multistep Methods (LMM) and solve Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), including both stiff and non-stiff types.
Key Features:
- LMM Analysis: Comprehensive tools for analyzing Linear Multistep Methods, providing insights into their stability and performance.
- ODE Solver: Efficient algorithms to solve ODEs, accommodating both stiff and non-stiff equations.
- User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface built with Flutter, ensuring a seamless user experience.
- Cross-Platform Compatibility: Designed for Windows with potential for future expansion to other platforms.
Installation Instructions:
- Download the pre-release package from the release section.
- Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file.
- Run the executable file to start the application.
- This is a pre-release version, and there may be bugs or incomplete features. We appreciate your feedback to help us improve the application.
- Please refer to the included documentation for detailed usage instructions and additional information.
Feedback and Contribution:
We welcome your feedback and contributions! Please report any issues or feature requests on our GitHub Issues page. For those interested in contributing to the project, check out our contributing guidelines.
Thank you for trying out our app! Your support and feedback are invaluable as we work towards the official release.