A simple web application that allows users to preview colors fetched from an API.
You can access the live demo of the "QuickStrike Color Picker" application here: Live Demo
- Display a list of colors fetched from the Colors API.
- Allow users to preview colors and view their details.
- Dynamic background and text color adjustment for readability.
- Error handling for failed API requests.
- Modular code structure using React components.
- Responsive design for various screen sizes.
- Code linting and formatting using ESLint and Prettier for code quality and consistency.
To run the "QuickStrike Color Picker" application locally, follow these steps:
Clone this repository to your local machine using Git:
git clone https://github.com/bkpecho/quickstrike-color-picker.git
Navigate to the project directory using the cd
cd quickstrike-color-picker
Install the required dependencies for the application using npm:
npm install
Start the development server to run the application:
npm run dev
That's it! You've successfully installed and run the "QuickStrike Color Picker" application locally.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.