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moellep edited this page Nov 11, 2014 · 24 revisions

Most frameworks offer a command to bootstrap a project quickly. Here's ours.

$ b_env ProjEx
$ bivio Copy to NewProject np "Some Corp, Inc."

This creates an application named "NewProject" owned by "Some Corp, Inc" with an internal prefix of "np". Having run that command you'll now have the following files:

$ cd ~/src/perl/NewProject
$ find . | sort

Now you can run:

$ b_env NewProject
$ bivio SQL init_dbms
$ bivio Project link_facade_files
$ bivio SQL create_test_db
$ bivio HTTPD run
Starting: /usr/sbin/httpd -X -d /home/<user>/src/perl/TestProject/files/httpd -f /
home/<user>/src/perl/TestProject/files/httpd/httpd5575.conf on port 8000

And visit the webpage http://localhost:8000

The homepage will appear with a place-holder wiki page.

Some Corp screenshopt

Select the "Register" link, followed by the "Already registered" link to view the Login page.

Some Corp login

Login using the email "adm" and password "password". You will then arrive at the main Web Site wiki page with access to the standard BOP applications.

Some Corp login

Below is the table structure for the standard applications.

bivio database (Click for larger view)

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