Small Arduino UNO/ATmega328/P bootloader with full optiboot functionality ( written in assembler
'ready to burn'
256 words/512 bytes of FLASH (minimum size on ATmega328/P)
ASMboot features some extras:
- read/write EEPROM
- auto increment address
- read SIGNATURE from MCU
- read/write LOCK bits
- read FUSES
- read oscillator calibration byte
- leave MCUSR reset status in R2
- WRITE_FLASH_PAGE function for user application
'ASMboot_328_16' is for ATmega328/P running on 5,0 V at 16 MHz communicating with 115.200 baud
'ASMboot_328_8' is for ATmega328/P running on 3,3 V at 8 MHz communicating with 57.600 baud
Higher baud rates as listed (no speed-up on FTDI-devices)
Easy to port to ATmega48/88/168/P