The Birdflop Performance Dataset is a collection of 7661 Spark profiles intended for use in research related to Minecraft performance. Its intended purposes include:
- Allowing for surveys related to Minecraft server configurations.
- Allowing for statistical collection and research related to server performance.
- Training machine learning models based on performance and configurations.
- And more...
The profiles have much information redacted before being published, including but not limited to:
- IPs
- URLs
- tokens
- messages
- usernames and UUIDs
- plugins present in fewer than 5 spark reports
All information is collected from the Birdflop performance-analyzing Discord bot and our free online resources permitting Spark and Timings analysis on our website, including the APIs for our resources. All information is processed in accordance with our privacy policy.
For questions, please create a ticket on the [Birdflop Discord] or contact us by emailing research [at sign]
If you use the Birdflop Performance Dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:
Birdflop. (2024). Birdflop Performance Dataset. GitHub repository.