A simple eris command manager.
Registering commands and error messages.
const { Client } = require('eris');
const path = require('path');
const CommandManager = require('eris-discord-commands');
const client = new Client();
client.command = new CommandManager(client, 'your discord user id');
.registerCommandPath(`${path.join(__dirname, 'commands')}`)
missingPerms: 'You are missing these permissions: {missingPerms}',
cooldown: 'You are on a cooldown.',
ownerOnly: 'Only the owner can use this command.'
}); // leave empty for default
client.on('messageCreate', (message) => client.command.handleCommands(message, '.')); // Second param is for the prefix, if you have a custom prefix system. Otherwise just use your default prefix.
const { Command } = require('eris-discord-commands');
class TestCommand extends Command {
constructor(bot) {
super(bot, {
name: 'test', // command name
desc: 'test command yes', // command description
aliases: ['e', 'monke'], // aliases
cooldown: 3000, // cooldown in ms
guildOnly: true, // self explanatory
ownerOnly: false, // also self explanatory
usage: 'No Usage',
category: 'Test',
perms: { // permissions
member: {
role: ['manageGuild']
run(message, args) {
That's it yes.