It has been shown that only a few key or master transcription factors (MTFs) are required to establish or change a cell’s identity. Recent studies have revealed that MTFs have unique expression and epigenetics features comparing with regular transcription factors.
MTFinder intergrate transcriptome and epigenome data of a query tissue/cell and rank all transcription factors based on following scores: 1) Expression level of TFs; 2) Tissue specificity score, we used an entropy-based Jensen-Shannon divergence to measure the tissue specificity of TFs; 3) Super-enhancers regulatory activity of TFs' promoters; 4) Super-enhancers motif enrichment score of TFs.
MTFinder require multiple python packages (including Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, pymc, etc) to run. The recommend way is using anaconda to setup an environment for MTFinder:
conda create --name MTFinder
conda activate MTFinder
If full anaconda ( has been installed, simply install pymc and pytensor with pip or conda or mamba:
pip install pymc pytensor
Input for MTFinder is a dataframe that have transcription factors as rows and 4 feature scores as columns.
Gene EXP_score JSD_score SERA_score MotifES_score
EXP_score and JSD_score can be generated with helper_Transcriptome_EXP_JSD_scores.ipynb based on the query tissue/cell's transcriptome data.
SERA_score and MotifES_score can be generated with helper_Epigenome_SERA_MotifES_scores.ipynb based on the query tissue/cell's epigenome data.
Rank of all transcription factors for their possibility to be master/key transcription factor of the query tissue/cell.