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A python library for centralized database synchronization, built over SQLAlchemy's ORM.

The library aims to enable applications to function offline when their internet connection is lost, by using a local database and providing a few synchronization procedures: pull, push, register and repair.

This library is currently undergoing testing in a real application.


To work properly however, the library requires that several restrictions be met:

  • All primary keys must be integer values of no importance to the logic of the application. If using SQLite, these would be INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT fields.

  • All primary keys must be unique to the row through the history of the table. This means the reuse of primary keys is likely to cause problems. In SQLite this behaviour can be achieved by changing the default PRIMARY KEY algorithm to AUTOINCREMENT (the sqlite_autoincrement must be set to True for the table in SQLAlchemy as specified here).

  • All synched tables should be wrapped with a mapped class. This includes many-to-many tables. This restriction should hopefully be lifted in the future, though for now you should follow this suggested pattern.

  • Push and pull client-side synchronization procedures can't be invoked parallel to other transactions. This is consequence of bad design and should change in the future. For now, don't invoke these in a seperate thread if other transactions might run concurrently, or the transaction won't be registered correctly.


Dbsync works by registering database operations (insert, update, delete) in seperate tables. These are detected through the SQLAlchemy event interface, and form a kind of operations log.

The synchronization process starts with the push procedure. In it, the client application builds a message containing only the required database objects, deciding which to include according to the operations log, and sends it to the server to execute. If the server allows the push, both the client and the server databases become equivalent and the process is complete.

The push won't be allowed by the server if it's database has advanced further since the last synchronization. If the push is rejected, the client should execute the pull procedure. The pull will fetch all operations executed on the server since the divergence point, and will merge those with the client's operation log. This merge operation executes internally and includes the conflict resolution phase, which ideally will resolve the potential operation collisions (further explanation of the merge subroutine).

If the pull procedure completes successfully, the client application may attempt another push, as shown by the cycle in the diagram below.

Synchronization sequence

Additional procedures

Registering nodes

The register procedure exists to provide a mechanism for nodes to be identified by the server. A node may request it's registration through the register procedure, and if accepted, it will receive a set of credentials.

These credentials are used (as of this revision) to sign the push message sent by the node, since it's the only procedure that can potentially destroy data on the server.

Other procedures should also be protected by the programmer (e.g. to prevent theft), but that is her/his responsibility. Synchronization procedures usually allow the inclusion of user-set data, which can be checked on the server for authenticity. Also, the HTTPS protocol may be used by prepending the 'https://' prefix to the URL for each procedure.

Repairing the client's database

The repair procedure exists to allow the client application's database to recover from otherwise stale states. Such a state should in theory be impossible to reach, but external database intervention, or poor conflict resolution by this library (which will be monitored in private testing), might result in achieving it.

The repair just fetches the entire server database, serialized as JSON, and then replaces the current one with it. Since it's meant to be used to fix infrequent errors, and might take a long time to complete, it should not be used recurrently.


First, give the library a SQLAlchemy engine to access the database. On the client application, the current tested database is SQLite.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import dbsync

engine = create_engine("sqlite:///storage.db") # sample database URL


If you don't do this, the library will complain as soon as you attempt an operation.

Next, start tracking your operations to fill the opertions log. Use the dbsync.client.track or the dbsync.server.track depending on your application. Don't import both dbsync.client and dbsync.server.

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

from dbsync import client

Base = declarative_base()
Base.__table_args__ = {'sqlite_autoincrement': True,} # important

class City(Base):

    __tablename__ = "city"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) # doesn't have to be called 'id'
    name = Column(String(100))

class Person(Base):

    __tablename__ = "person"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String(100))
    city_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(""))

    city = relationship(City, backref="persons")

After you've marked all the models you want tracked, you need to generate the logging infrastructure, explicitly. You can do this once, or every time the application is started, since it's idempotent.

import dbsync


Next you should register your client application in the server. To do this, use the register procedure:

from dbsync import client


Where REGISTER_URL is the URL pointing to the register handler on the server. More on this below.

You can register the client application just once, or check whenever you wish with the isregistered predicate.

from dbsync import client

if not client.isregistered():

Now you're ready to try synchronization procedures. If the server is configured correctly (as shown further below), an acceptable synchronization cycle could be:

from dbsync import client

def synchronize(push_url, pull_url, tries):
    for _ in range(tries):
            return client.push(push_url)
        except client.PushRejected:
            except client.UniqueConstraintError as e:
                for model, pk, columns in e.entries:
                    pass # handle exception
    raise Exception("push rejected %d times" % tries)

You may catch the different exceptions and react accordingly, since they can indicate lack of internet connection, integrity conflicts, or dbsync configuration problems.

Server side

First of all, instead of importing dbsync.client, import dbsync.server. So, to track a model:

from dbsync import server

class Person(Base):
    # ...

Then, listen to five distinct URLs:

  • One for the repair procedure, listening GETs.
  • One for the register procedure, listening POSTs.
  • One for the pull procedure, listening POSTs.
  • One for the push procedure, listening POSTs.
  • One (optional) for the query procedure (for remote queries), listening GETs.

These handlers should return JSON and use the dbsync handlers. For example, using Flask:

import json
from flask import Flask, request
from dbsync import server

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route("/repair", methods=["GET"])
def repair():
    return (json.dumps(server.handle_repair(request.args)),
            {"Content-Type": "application/json"})

@app.route("/register", methods=["POST"])
def register():
    return (json.dumps(server.handle_register()),
            {"Content-Type": "application/json"})

@app.route("/pull", methods=["POST"])
def pull():
    return (json.dumps(server.handle_pull_request(request.json)),
            {"Content-Type": "application/json"})

@app.route("/push", methods=["POST"])
def push():
        return (json.dumps(server.handle_push(request.json)),
                {"Content-Type": "application/json"})
    except server.handlers.PushRejected as e:
        return (json.dumps({'error': [repr(arg) for arg in e.args]}),
                {"Content-Type": "application/json"})

@app.route("/query", methods=["GET"])
def query():
    return (json.dumps(server.handle_query(request.args)),
            {"Content-Type": "application/json"})

Messages to the server usually contain additional user-set data, to allow for extra checks and custom protection. You can access these through request.json.extra_data when JSON is expected.


Experimental database synchronization for sqlalchemy







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