#St Andrews Observatory Project Backend
This backend has two functions. It can a) scrape weather from sources into an archive and b) parse fits files for display on the frontend.
The main deployment steps are based on resolving dependancies.
clone repo
git clone https://github.com/billytrend/st-andrews-observatory-backend.git
install f2n
svn export https://svn.epfl.ch/svn/mtewes-public/trunk/f2n ./f2n
cd f2n/
python setup.py install
cd ../
rm -r f2n/
install pip dependancies
pip install xmltodict
pip install feedparser
apt-get install python-lxml
pip install lxml
pip install astropy
pip install scipy
pip install pyfits
pip install numpy
install pillow
make sure this includes the version 2.4.0 more recent versions have a critical bug in them
pip install pillow==2.4.0
add a data folder (should be at the web app root)
mkdir ??/data
First initialise the data folder in the web app root.
python src/main.py -i ??/path_to_fits_file_repo ??/data
This will set all the current fits files to ignore so only new fits files will be parsed - may make it appear as though the site isn't working until the first fits files come through.
Parses latest weather forecasts to the data folder
python src/main.py -w ??/data
Parses latest fits files to data folder. Does nothing if there are no new files.
python src/main.py -f ??/path_to_fits_file_repo ??/data
* Check missing dependancies
* Check pillow is on the right version
* Check that the apis are still at the right version
* Let me ([email protected]) know if there are problems. I'll be happy to help.