The application process for the role full stack developper of D-Teck passes throught a technical test. The main goal is : Build a REST API
This is a Symfony 3.1 project
You can get more about it on the file
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
PHP 5.5.9 or more
composer installed from link below
SQL server running on port 3306
After cloning of downloading the repo open a CLI and point it to the root folder (the main foler containing folders as app/, web/...)
Install the dependencies by running
> composer install
Create the database on your SQL DBMS
create a database with the name : "dteck"
Create the data table schema (run his on your CLI)
> php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
Run the App
> php bin/console server:run
Open the app at :
We provided 4 API methods : POST (to insert a user), PUT (to update user's informations), DELETE (to delete a user) and GET (to view informations of a user)
You can use Postman to run the tests on your own
Anyway, the api response provide's details of the enitity (user) updated or inserted The REST API is available at [ /api ]
main_uri =
Method | URI = [ main_uri/ ] | Details |
POST | /api/users/new/[name] | Insert a user |
GET | /api/users/[id] | View one user |
GET | /api/users | View all users |
PUT | /api/users/[id]?name=[new_name] | Update an user's information (name only for now) |
DELETE | /api/users/[id] | Delete a user |
in [ ] the parameters (API's URI input).
- Symfony 3.1 project - The web framework used
- PHP 7.2.10 - The web framework used
- Doctrine - The Object Relational Mapper
- FOSRestBundle - Rest Bundle for Symfony
- Bill Somen - Initial work - | 30th January 2019
This project is licensed under the MIT License
- Inspiration 1 : diegonobre from his work at :
- Inspiration 2 :
- HTTP Methods :
- HTTP Status Codes :
Make it real and implement strong security frames
- Source : OWASP - REST_Security_Cheat_Sheet .
None at the moment, everything should be run locally