The Hadoop Fair Sojourn Protocol Scheduler is a size-based scheduler for Hadoop.
In order to compile HFSP you need Maven. From the top directory issue the following command:
$ mvn package -DskipTests
This will create two files in the directory /target:
- hfsp-scheduler-1.0.jar: a jar file containing the scheduler
- hfsp-scheduler.xml: a default configuration file
Copy hfsp-scheduler-1.0.jar in your Hadoop directory. Optionally, add the configuration file for HFSP in the hadoop configuration directory.
Set HFSP as task scheduler in conf/mapred-site.xml:
HFSP has been developed for the current stable version of Hadoop 1.x, that is Hadoop 1.1.2.
- Mario Pastorelli ([email protected])
- Antonio Barbuzzi ([email protected])
The HFSP project is partially funded by the BigFoot project and the mPlane project