Your one stop destination to view all your college and student data intuitively
Coming Soon
The frontend is deployed on gh-pages. Have fun 😎
To seed collections with random data run:
cd backend/seed
node seedCollege.js
node seedStudent.js
node seedStudentNum.js
Note: Please maintain the same order of execution
Create .env
values from previous step
Finally, the awaited step
npm run start
The frontend are static html files. They can be served using any web server. For convenient use, we'll use serve.
# Install serve globally
sudo npm i -g serve
# Serve the frontend
cd frontend && serve
The project uses eslint and prettier to lint the files.The configuration files are .eslintrc, .eslintignore and .prettierignore.
You can manually lint code using
npm run lint
if (repo.isAwesome || repo.isHelpful) {