This is a Python module which can that can convert a paragraph of spoken english to written english.
For example, "two dollars" should be converted to $2. Abbreviations spoken as "C M" or "Triple A" should be written as "CM" and "AAA" respectively.
Please ensure that you have updated pip3 to the latest version before installing spoken2written.
You can install the module using Python Package Index using the below command.
>>python3 install
Correct one:
>>from spoken2written import sp2wr
[IN]:Enter Your paragraph of spoken english:
Hi! My name is Bruce. I am a Programmer. I try to wake up before 6 A M. I always come home after 7 P M. I earn hundred dollars per day. My contact number contains double 5, quadruple 8, single 9 and triple 4. Recently, My weight got double the weight of my friend whom I call C M.
[OUT]:The input Spoken English Paragraph:
" Hi! My name is Bruce. I am a Programmer. I try to wake up before 6 A M. I always come home after 7 P M. I earn hundred dollars per day. My contact number contains double 5, quadruple 8, single 9 and triple 4. Recently, My weight got double the weight of my friend whom I call C M. "
Converted Written English Paragraph:
" Hi! My name is Bruce. I am a Programmer. I try to wake up before 6 AM. I always come home after 7 PM. I earn $100 per day. My contact number contains 55, 8888, 9 and 444. Recently, My weight got double the weight of my friend whom I call CM. "
Wrong One:
>> from spoken2written import sp2wr
>> sp2wr.convert_sp_to_wr()
[IN]:Enter Your paragraph of spoken english:
Hi! My name is Bruce.I am a Programmer.I try to wake up before 6 A M.I always come home after 7 P M.I earn hundred dollars per day.My contact number contains double 5,quadruple 8, single 9 and triple 4.Recently, My weight got double the weight of my friend whom I call C M.
[OUT]:The input Spoken English Paragraph:
" Hi! My name is Bruce.I am a Programmer.I try to wake up before 6 A M.I always come home after 7 P M.I earn hundred dollars per day.My contact numbe number contains double 5,quadruple 8, single 9 and triple 4.Recently, My weight got double the weight of my friend whom I call C M."
Converted Written English Paragraph:
" Hi! My name is Bruce.I am a Programmer.I try to wake up before 6 A M.I always come home after 7 P M.I earn $100 per
day.My contact numbe number contains 5,quadruple5,quadruple 8, 9 and 4.Recently4.Recently4.Recently, My weight got the weight of my friend whom I call CM."
For the Above input paragraph the incorrect output as a result of improper use of spaces after '.' and ','. So currently you have to keep in mind while writing the paragraph to consider proper use of spaces. Because this is not an intelligence- based program this is simple rule-based. I will keep being updating the rules so that it can cover maximum cases.
If you find any bugs/errors in the usage of above code, please raise an issue through
Here are some possible future functionalities that can be covered in the future versions of the module:
If the paragraph contains a money figure e.g. two million three thousand nine hundred and eighty-four then we may convert it to numbers as 2003984.
Handling of both American number system and Indian number system e.g. million, lakhs.
Handling of Dates e.g. Today's Date is twenty-eight October two thousand twenty as Today's Date is 28-10-2020/2020-10-28.
Handling of Punctuation.
Handling of proper spaces after one sentance.