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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

George Chatzisofroniou edited this page Oct 19, 2015 · 5 revisions


Is my wireless card compatible with wifiphisher?

In general, there are three things your wireless adapter needs to provide at minimum:

  • Monitor mode. We need to be to able to see all the wireless management frames passing through the air.
  • Packet injection. This enables us to construct DEAUTH frames that appear as if they are part of the normal communication stream.
  • GNU/Linux compatibility. The adapter needs to have drivers for GNU/Linux.

What are some effective wireless adapters for using wifiphisher?

I strongly recommend Alfa AWUS036H.

For a more detailed answer, I propose checking this answer from aircrack-ng's wiki. Same things apply to wifiphisher.

I have no success using the tool / Nobody is connecting to the rogue AP. What am I doing wrong?

The main success factors for the tool are the following:

  • Victim’s network manager. How will the network manager react to Evil Twin attack? Will it reconnect automatically or prompt a warning?
  • Effectiveness of jamming. This depends on the power of the wireless card and the distance to the victim.
  • Awareness of the victim. If the victim is informed about phishing techniques, the attack will most likely fail.

You can try a more effective card or moving closer the victim, but as long the attack involves social engineering, there's no real guarantee for the success of the tool.