Precision HLA typing from next-generation sequencing data
Authors: András Szolek, Benjamin Schubert, Christopher Mohr
Date: April 2014
Version: 1.0
License: OptiType is released under a three-clause BSD license
OptiType, is a novel HLA genotyping algorithm based on integer linear programming, capable of producing accurate 4-digit HLA genotyping predictions from NGS data by simultaneously selecting all minor and major HLA-I alleles.
OptiType uses the following software and libraries:
- Python 2.7
- Biopython 1.63
- Coopr 3.3
- Matplotlib 1.3.1
- Pandas 0.12 (with HDF5 support)
- HDF5 1.8.11
- RazerS 3.1
- Cplex 12.5 (or other ILP solver supported by Coopr)
Please make sure you have installed said software/libraries and their dependencies.
First install all required software and libraries and register the static path in the configuration file for RazerS 3.1. CPLEX should be globally executable via command line. Alternative ILP solver supported by Coopr can also be used by changing the config file accordingly. CPLEX is free for academic use. For more details see IBMs Academic Initiative ( Please do not change the folder structure or make sure you changed the necessary entries in the config file.
- Install Python 2.7 on your system
Either download it from or just install it by easy_install e.g. depending on your system
The following installation steps require a working pip installation on your system.
- Install the Biopython package (
pip install biopython
- Install the Coopr python package (
pip install Coopr
- Install the Matplotlib python package (
pip install matplotlib
- Install the Pandas python package (
5.1) Install hdf5 (
Either install the pre-built binaries or build from source as following
cd <top HDF5 source code directory>
./configure --prefix=<location for HDF5 software>
make >& make.out
make check >& check.out
make install
5.2) Set environment variables
If you are using .tcshr or .cshrc,
setenv HDF5 "path to hdf5 installation"
setenv PATH ${PATH}:${HDF5}/bin
for bash, add to your .bashrc
export HDF5="path to hdf5 installation"
export PATH=$PATH:${HDF5}/bin
5.3) Install pyTables (
pip install tables
5.4) Install Pandas
pip install pandas
Install RazerS (
Go to the project web page and download a pre-compiled binary of RazerS 3 or follow the instruction in the Compilation from Source Code section. -
Install an ILP solver supported by Coopr (e.g. CPLEX or CBC) and make sure that it is globally executable
Configure the config.ini
8.1) Set the path to the mapper
8.2) Specify which solver to use (as example CBC is used)
- First filter the read files with the following settings:
>razers3 --percent-identity 90 --max-hits 1 --distance-range 0 --output-format sam --output sample_fished.sam
./data/hla_reference.fasta sample.fastq
where reference.fasta is either nuc_reference.fasta or gen_reference.fasta depending on the type of NGS data. The references can be found in the ./data sub-folder or in the supplementary material. To use the results as input for OptiType the sam-files have to be converted into fastq format. On Unix- based operating system you can convert from sam to fastq with the following command:
>cat sample_fished.sam | grep -v ^@ | awk '{print "@"$1"\n"$10"\n+\n"$11}' > sample_fished.fastq
For paired-end data pre-process each file individually.
- After pre-filtering, OptiType can be called as follows:
>python -i sample_fished_1.fastq [sample_fished_2.fastq]
(--rna | --dna) [--beta BETA] [--enumerate ENUMERATE]
--o ./out_dir/
This will produce a CSV with the optimal typing and possible sub-optimal typings if specified, as well as a coverage plot of the genotype for diagnostic purposes and a HTML file containing a summary of the results.
>python --help
usage: OptiType [-h] --input INPUT [INPUT ...] (--rna | --dna) [--beta BETA]
[--enumerate ENUMERATE] --outdir OUTDIR [--verbose]
OptiType: 4-digit HLA typer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT [INPUT ...], -i INPUT [INPUT ...]
Fastq files with fished HLA reads. Max two files (for
--rna, -r Specifiying the mapped data as RNA.
--dna, -d Specifiying the mapped data as DNA.
--beta BETA, -b BETA The beta value for for homozygosity detection.
The number of enumerations.
--outdir OUTDIR, -o OUTDIR
Specifies the out directory to which all files should
be written
--verbose, -v Set verbose mode on.
DNA data (paired-end):
python -i ./test/exome/NA11995_SRR766010_1_fished.fastq ./test/exome/NA11995_SRR766010_2_fished.fastq -d -v -o ./test/exome/
RNA data (paired-end):
python -i ./test/rna/CRC_81_N_2_fished.fastq ./test/rna/CRC_81_N_2_fished.fastq -r -v -o ./test/rna/
András Szolek
[email protected]
University of Tübingen, Applied Bioinformatics,
Center for Bioinformatics, Quantitative Biology Center,
and Dept. of Computer Science,
Sand 14, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
Szolek, A, Schubert, B, Mohr, C, Sturm, M, Feldhahn, M, and Kohlbacher, O (2014). OptiType: precision HLA typing from next-generation sequencing data Bioinformatics, 30(23):3310-6.