An NGO Database Management System to manage operations, events, finances, and other organizational tasks using MySQL database for backend connected to frontend in HTML, CSS, JavaScript using Java Servlet.
The system uses a DBMS to store and manage data related to various aspects of the NGO, such as donors, volunteers, events, staff, financial transactions. The data is organized into tables, which are linked together to form a relational database.
The NGO Management System using DBMS includes a user interface, which allows NGO staff to interact with the database and perform various tasks such as adding, modifying, and retrieving data. The user interface is designed using various programming languages and tools such as HTML, CSS, Java Servlet.
Overall, an NGO Management System using DBMS can help NGOs improve their efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability by providing a centralized and secure way to manage their data.
Software Requirements-
Operating System: Windows 10/11
Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Programming Language: java, JSP, Servlets
Backend Database: MySQL Ver 8.0.32 for Win64 on x86_64
WorkBench: MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE
IDE : Eclipse IDE 2023‑03
Connecters: mysql-connector-java-8.0.11
Server: Tomcat-servlet-api-9.0.55