Simplify your tmux life with TOML and JSON configuration. Less fuss, more coding.
💡 Work in progress—like that side project you swear you'll finish someday.
Run the following command in your terminal:
curl -sSL | bash
- Create a
file (or.json
if you want):
touch ~/tmux.toml
- Paste the following TOML config into this file:
prefix = ["ctrl", "b"]
history-limit = 10000
set-titles = "on"
set-titles-string = "λ"
key = ["h"]
command = "select-pane -L"
key = ["L"]
command = "resize-pane -R 15"
Feel free to modify these options.
- Paste the following command at the bottom of you
run-shell "tmux-ease ~/tmux.toml ~/tmux-ease.conf"
source-file ~/tmux-ease.conf
- Reload your tmux, and there you have it!
curl -sSL | bash