Allows players to obtain reputation, gold, or certain items by simply equipping tabards while slaying creatures (in/out) of instances (Zones).
1. Simply place the module under the `modules` directory of your AzerothCore source.
1. Import the SQL manually to the right Database (characters in this case).
1. Re-run cmake and launch a clean build of AzerothCore.
Table Structure
Field | Type | Attributes | Key | Null | Default |
[TEntry][0] | INT | UNSIGNED | PRI | NO | NO |
[Function][1] | INT | UNSIGNED | NO | NO | |
[Requirements][2] | INT | UNSIGNED | NO | 0 | |
[ZoneID][3] | INT | UNSIGNED | NO | 0 | |
[EnemyFactionID][4] | INT | UNSIGNED | NO | 0 | |
[FactionID][5] | INT | UNSIGNED | NO | 0 | |
[Value][6] | INT | UNSIGNED | NO | 0 | |
[Count][7] | INT | UNSIGNED | NO | 1 | |
[Comment][8] | VARCHAR | UNSIGNED | NO | 'Description' |
Description of the fields
The entry of the tabard from item_template (One tabard can be used only for one purpose)
What the Tabard will be used for. 0 = Get Reputation 1 = Get Gold 2 = Get Items
Contidions to trigger the functions above.
0 = No requirements 1 = Requires an enemy faction. 2 = Requires an area from AreaTable.dbc. 3 = Requires a specific Creature entry 4 = Requires both area and enemy faction.
Specific area from AreaTable.dbc where the creature must be killed. Used when Requirements is 2 or 4.
The faction that the killed creature must have. Used when Requirements is 1 or 4.
The faction that will be increased if Function is 0
The amount of reputation to add if Function is 0 The amount of GOLD to add if Function is 1 The ENTRY of the item to add if Function is 2
This column only works with Value Column if Function is 2, and reflects the amount of items to add. Can't be negative. Can't be 0
This column doesn't effect the system, is only for you to add some notes about what the tabard does.
Tips: There are some examples inside the table 7725 - Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade DEPRECATED 23709 - Tabard of Frost 35279 - Tabard of Summer Skies Works with Blizzlike Tabards, but you might want to create custom ones
-Modified and ported to AzerothCore by Voicot 2021 Implemented new features.
Base Script Author: Lightnig Blade(AC-WEB), Voidheart(Server Owner)