Decorates the client and provides the contentful model as an array as defined in the content type of contentful. Additional sugar are the template helper for easy access.
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:
$ composer require bestit/contentful-bundle
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.
Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles
in the app/AppKernel.php
file of your project:
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new BestIt\ContentfulBundle\BestItContentfulBundle(),
// ...
// ...
# This field indicates which controller should be used for the routing.
controller_field: controller
# Which field is used to mark the url of the contentful entry?
routing_field: slug
# This content types have a routable page in the project.
routable_types: []
caching: # Required
# Please provider your service id for caching contentful contents.
service_id: ~ # Required
# Please provide the ttl for your content cache in seconds. 0 means forever.
cache_time: 0
# Please provider your service id for caching contentful routings.
service_id: ~ # Required
# Please provide the ttl for your routing cache in seconds. 0 means forever.
cache_time: 0
# If the requested url contains this query parameter, the routing cache will be ignored.
parameter_against_routing_cache: ignore-contentful-routing-cache
# Should the whole contentful cache be cleared every time on an entry reset request?
complete_clear_on_webhook: false
# Which cache ids should be resetted everytime?
collection_consumer: []
# Add the content types mainly documented under: <>
# Prototype
description: ~ # Required
displayField: ~ # Required
name: ~ # Required
# Give the logical controller name for the routing, like document under <>
controller: ~
fields: # Required
# Prototype
linkType: ~ # One of "Asset"; "Entry"
name: ~ # Required
omitted: false
required: false
type: ~ # One of "Link"; "Symbol"
linkType: ~ # One of "Asset"; "Entry"
linkContentType: []
type: ~ # One of "Array"; "Boolean"; "Date"; "Integer"; "Location"; "Link"; "Number"; "Object"; "Symbol"; "Text", Required
# Shortcut to handle the editor interface for this field, documentation can be found here: <>
control: # Required
id: ~ # One of "assetLinkEditor"; "assetLinksEditor"; "assetGalleryEditor"; "boolean"; "datePicker"; "entryLinkEditor"; "entryLinksEditor"; "entryCardEditor"; "entryCardsEditor"; "numberEditor"; "rating"; "locationEditor"; "objectEditor"; "urlEditor"; "slugEditor"; "ooyalaEditor"; "kalturaEditor"; "kalturaMultiVideoEditor"; "listInput"; "checkbox"; "tagEditor"; "multipleLine"; "markdown"; "singleLine"; "dropdown"; "radio", Required
settings: # Required
ampm: ~
falseLabel: ~
format: ~
helpText: ~ # Required
stars: ~
trueLabel: ~
max: ~
min: ~
in: []
linkContentType: []
unique: ~
Every contentful entry is cached forever with this bundle, but ...
You can use the contentful webhooks to reset your cache entries.
prefix: /bestit/contentful
resource: "@BestItContentfulBundle/Controller"
type: annotation
Just add the reset controller to your routing (we suggest to protected it with a http auth password) and input this url in your contentful webhook config and you are ready to go.
The most simple cache reset is the direct reset on an id or the array of the ids from an collection (used as cache tags).
If you have cache entries which are not matched to the entry ids directly but to your own custom cache ids, you need to fill the config value caching.collection_consumer with this custom cache ids to reset them anytime another cache is reset.
$php bin/console contentful:create-types`
This command copies your configured content-types in your contentful project.
/** @var \BestIt\ContentfulBundle\Service\Delivery\ClientDecorator $clientDecorator */
$clientDecorator = $this->getClient();
$contentType = 'example-type';
$limit = 5;
$where = ['fields.example-slug' => 'example-com'];
if (is_scalar($where)) {
$entry = $clientDecorator->getEntry($id = $where);
} else {
$entries = $clientDecorator->getEntries(
function (\Contentful\Delivery\Query $query) use ($contentType, $limit, $where) {
if ($limit) {
array_walk($where, function ($value, $key) use ($query) {
$query->where($key, $value);
return $query;
$cacheId = sha1(__METHOD__ . ':' . $contentType . ':' . serialize($where))
We provide you with a router if you want to match contentful elements directly through the url to a controller action of your app. Just register our Slug-Matcher with your CMF-Routing-Chain
You may choose between the caching Slug-Matcher with this service declaration:
class: BestIt\ContentfulBundle\Routing\CachingContentfulSlugMatcher
public: false
- '@best_it_contentful.cache.pool.routing'
- ''
- '%best_it_contentful.controller_field%'
- '%best_it_contentful.routing_field%'
- '@best_it_contentful.routing.route_collection_response_parser'
- ''
- '%best_it_contentful.cache.parameter_against_routing_cache%'
- [setRoutableTypes, ['%best_it_contentful.routable_types%']]
- { name: router, priority: 0 } # Adjusted to not override the manual routing done by Symfony
Or the non caching Slug-Matcher:
class: BestIt\ContentfulBundle\Routing\ContentfulSlugMatcher
public: false
- ''
- '%best_it_contentful.controller_field%'
- '%best_it_contentful.routing_field%'
- '@best_it_contentful.routing.route_collection_response_parser'
- [setRoutableTypes, ['%best_it_contentful.routable_types%']]
- { name: router, priority: 0 } # Adjusted to not override the manual routing done by Symfony
Note that the CachingContentfulSlugMatcher passes the data to your controller as an array, while the non caching ContentfulSlugMatcher passes contentfuls Entry
You can use following twig helper for easier access:
- get_contentful: Loads an entry/entries matching your query and returns it. If you load entries, you need to save the result array.
- parseMarkdown: This view helper makes use of Parsedown and returns the markdown of contentful as html.
- More documentation
- better unittests
- behat tests