Puppet module for the Prosody Jabber/XMPP server.
This module is a fork of rtyler/puppet-prosody because the upstream is dead. A bunch of features were added and bugs were fixed.
If you want to use Prosody in a production environment, this is the Puppet module to use.
Note: This module has currently been tested on CentOS 7, Ubuntu and OpenBSD.
node myserver {
class { 'prosody':
user => 'prosody',
group => 'prosody',
community_modules => ['mod_auth_ldap'],
authentication => 'ldap',
custom_options => {
'ldap_base' => 'OU="accounts",DC="mydomain",DC="com"',
'ldap_server' => 'ldapserver1:636 ldapserver2:636',
'ldap_rootdn' => 'DN="prosody",OU="accounts",DC="mydomain",DC="com"',
'ldap_password' => hiera(prosody-ldap-password),
'ldap_scope' => 'subtree',
'ldap_tls' => 'true',
prosody::virtualhost {
'mydomain.com' :
ensure => present,
ssl_key => '/etc/ssl/key/mydomain.com.key',
ssl_cert => '/etc/ssl/crt/mydomain.com.crt',
Please file bugs and enhancement requests in the GitHub issue tracker