Windows Service for monitoring honeypot files for CryptoLocker ransomware variants.
- Clone or download
- Install node.js if not already installed.
- Run "npm install" in the "CryptDefendDashboard" folder.
- Run "npm install" in the "CryptDefendService" and its "node-win" folder.
- Modify the config.js file in "CryptDefendService".
- Run "node index.js" in the "CryptDefendDashboard" folder to start the Server/Dashboard.
- Run "node cryptdfend.js" to start, or "node install.js" to install as Windows Service
- Run install and uninstall as admin to avoid UAC and file run prompts (right click CMD and "run as administrator")
To Do
- Add database and models
- Make intervals of cron jobs adjustable from config.js file
- Add node-windows specific features, like killing if more than X autorestarts, and Windows log output