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Releases: benmarch/angular-ui-tour

Fixed broken popups

16 Oct 16:35
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Remove Dependence on Angular UI Bootstrap

08 Apr 17:35
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This is a huge milestone for this project! Without being dependent on AUIB, Angular UI Tour will have more control over timing and positioning of the popovers, and no longer break when AUIB releases big changes. It also means that AUIB is no longer needed, only Bootstrap 3 (and very soon, Bootstrap 4) styles!

Angular Bootstrap 2

08 Sep 14:11
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Angular UI Tour now only supports Angular Bootstrap 2.x.

Minor fixes

08 Sep 14:11
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This is the last release the supports Angular UI Bootstrap 1.x.

Multiple Tours, Enhanced Backdrop, Hotkeys

02 Apr 21:11
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Added or enhanced the following features:

  • Updated the documentation with missing or inacurate information and best practices
  • Created a better "backdrop" the allows interaction with the content of the target element
  • Added the "scrollIntoView" options that configures whether or not the tour scrolls after a step is shown
  • Merged @diego-vieira's PR that adds the "useHotkeys" option, allowing the tour to be controlled with the keyboard
  • Added UI Router integration
  • Multiple tours

Pre-release with multiple updates

29 Mar 02:55
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This pre-release is for the authors of multiple issues to test the fixes that I made.

Added or enhanced the following features:

  • Updated the documentation with missing or inacurate information and best practices
  • Created a better "backdrop" the allows interaction with the content of the target element
  • Added the "scrollIntoView" options that configures whether or not the tour scrolls after a step is shown
  • Merged @diego-vieira's PR that adds the "useHotkeys" option, allowing the tour to be controlled with the keyboard
  • Added UI Router integration

Events and Tour Status

19 Mar 18:49
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In 0.4.0 the tour itself has become an event emitter (see README for details). Also started exposing the current step (as a copy of the step) and the tour status (on, paused, off).

Special thanks to @dander401 and @cesarcosta99 for helping identify and debug a handful of issues.

Bug fixes

16 Mar 22:09
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Fixed #13 and #16.

Tour Service

14 Mar 23:12
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Added a service for retrieving references to tours. See documentation.

Also, added tests and cleaned up source code.

Asynchronous Tour API

13 Mar 17:18
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All public tour API methods now return promises. Also added documentation for each method. Added new method that allows jumping to an arbitrary step.