A Functional Test Generator.
composer require benblub/ftg "dev-main"
There is no autoconfig yet..
add to config/bundles.php
Benblub\Ftg\BenblubFtgBundle::class => ['dev' => true],
add to services.yaml
tags: ['maker.command']
This Generator make use of Foundry Factories. For every Testclass we generate we need to have a Factory too.
Create your Factory php bin/console make:factory User --test
and set defaults. The defaults are at least all required fields from your Entity.
Add Method myDefaults to your Factories
public static function myDefaults(): array
$class = new self();
return $class->getDefaults();
Your Test classes extend any class which extends ApiTestCase from ApiPlatform. To use Auth you need to implement the AuthHelperInterface like shown in the examble. also needs config set "custom_auth: true" (config is not implemented yet)
else you can use the defaults from AuthHelper (use id as identifier)
namespace App\Test;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\ApiTestCase;
use ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\Client;
class AuthHelper extends ApiTestCase implements AuthHelperInterface
protected Client $client;
protected array $identifier; // can be id, email or whatever is used as identifier
public function setUp(): void
$this->client = self::createClient();
public function setIdentifier(array $identifier)
$this->identifier = $identifier;
* Set here whatever your config is from lexik_jwt_authentication.yaml <user_identity_field>
* user_identity_field: email|username|id (your Provider must support it eg loadUserBy..)
* After Create a User in a test call this Method and make requests with this User authenticated
public function setAuthenticationHeader()
$arrayKey = array_key_first($this->identifier);
$token = $this->getUserToken($this->client, $this->identifier[$arrayKey]);
'headers' => [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token,
* Generate our Bearer Token
public function getUserToken(Client $client, string $identifier): string
$data = $this->identifier;
return $client
Allow CRUD Test php bin/console make:ftg
Deny CRUD as anymous Test php bin/console make:ftg --deny=deny
Deny CRUD as %role% for other User php bin/console make:ftg --deny=deny --other=Other
interactive Questions
Question: role for the auth User eg user, admin or whatever
Type with which ROLE this test should be created. user for ROLE_USER, admin for ROLE_ADMIN or all other roles.
any means not auth header will be set.
Question Entity class to create a FunctionalTest for
chose the entity which you want test
Create Functional CRUD tests is mostly same for all Entities and over different Projetcs. With use of a Generator there are various Benefits.
- Tests looks same
- no boring write of always same code
- speedup writing tests and focus on tests which test the individual App parts
- Easy way to Replace tests if new Version/improvements available