Extract, transform and load forecast data from https://opendata.cwb.gov.tw/
API documentation - https://opendata.cwb.gov.tw/dist/opendata-swagger.html#/
TODO List(2021-08-13):
- Test transform.js
- Add Other method for Observation, Climate ... API.
- The forecast pop12h, pop6h are not match time interval(3hr, 6hr), maybe add interplot method by option.
ATTENTION!! The data F-C0032-001 doesn't have geocode. If you want to find geocode. Please check ./lib/json/geocode.json
const cwb = require('cwb-open-data')
async function() {
const forecast = await cwb.forecast(ids = ['F-C0032-001'], auth = '')
// output method
// customize output by callback
datasetDescription: '臺灣各縣市鄉鎮未來1週逐12小時天氣預報',
locationsName: '台灣',
dataid: 'D0047-091',
location: [
locationName: '新竹縣',
geocode: '10004000',
lat: '24.841245',
lon: '120.995698',
weatherElement: [
"elementName": "PoP12h",
"description": "12小時降雨機率",
"time": [
"startTime": "2021-08-12 18:00:00",
"endTime": "2021-08-13 06:00:00",
"elementValue": [
"value": "20",
"measures": "百分比"
value: '10',
measures: '百分比',
startTime: '2021-08-11 00:00:00',
endTime: '2021-08-11 06:00:00',
elementName: 'PoP12h',
description: '12小時降雨機率',
locationName: '新竹縣',
geocode: '10004000',
lat: '24.841245',
lon: '120.995698',
datasetDescription: '臺灣各縣市鄉鎮未來1週逐12小時天氣預報',
locationsName: '台灣',
dataid: 'D0047-091'
This method will aggregate the data by geocode and startTime. Ther array[0] is value, array[1] is measure. Please attention the data F-C0032-001 doen't have geocode, will bug there.
startTime: '2021-08-11 00:00:00',
endTime: '2021-08-11 06:00:00',
locationName: '新竹縣',
geocode: '10004000',
lat: '24.841245',
lon: '120.995698',
datasetDescription: '臺灣各縣市鄉鎮未來1週逐12小時天氣預報',
locationsName: '台灣',
dataid: 'D0047-091',
PoP12h: [ '10', '百分比' ],
T: [ '27', '攝氏度' ],
RH: [ '92', '百分比' ],
MinCI: [ [ '26', 'NA' ], [ '舒適', '自定義 CI 文字' ] ],
WS: [ [ '1', '公尺/秒' ], [ '<= 1', '蒲福風級' ] ],
MaxAT: [ '32', '攝氏度' ],
Wx: [ [ '多雲', '自定義 Wx 文字' ], [ '04', '自定義 Wx 單位' ] ],
MaxCI: [ [ '26', 'NA ' ], [ '舒適', '自定義 CI 文字' ] ],
MinT: [ '26', '攝氏度' ],
WeatherDescription: [ '多雲。降雨機率 10%。溫度攝氏26至27度。舒適。西南風 風速<= 1級(每秒1公尺)。相對濕度92%。', 'NA' ],
MinAT: [ '31', '攝氏度' ],
MaxT: [ '27', '攝氏度' ],
WD: [ '西南風', '8方位' ],
Td: [ '25', '攝氏度' ]