OS requirements: Postgresql 9.4+, redis-server, Python 2.7, python-virtualenv, psycopg2:
cd /var/www git clone [github_url] virtualenv vaa_env source vaa_env/bin/activate cd vaa pip install -r requirements.txt sudo su - postgres psql CREATE DATABASE vaa; CREATE ROLE vaa WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'vaa1234'; GRANT ALL ON DATABASE vaa TO vaa; \q exit python manage.py migrate python manage.py createsuperuser # make an election, using shell or Django Admin (yes, there should be a management command for this) python manage.py qimport questions.csv [election_slug] # replace with real election slug python manage.py cand_import cand.csv [election_slug] # replace with real election slug
There are two management commands of note, qimport and cand_import. They take csv files as arguments as well as the slug of the election the data are meant for. cand.csv and questions.csv show the format. Google docs outputs the proper encoding for latin-1 characters.
To invite candidates to participate, go to /admin/questions/candidate/, select the candidates to invite and select "Senda inngangstölvupóst" from the menu and press Go.
I have not checked if there are any changes required for higher versions of Django.