Konsole is a web console library designed specifically for Bedrock servers, providing a convenient interface for server administration and monitoring through a web browser.
Web Console: Access your Bedrock server's console directly from a web browser. Real-time Updates: Receive real-time updates and logs from the server. WebSockets Support: Utilize WebSockets for efficient communication between the server and the web interface.
Hosting the Web Server To host the web server for Konsole, follow these steps:
a := app.New("/your_secret_endpoint_here")
err := a.ListenAndServe(":6969")
if err != nil {
If you're using Dragofly, proceed with the following steps:
ws := konsole.NewWebSocketServer(chat.StdoutSubscriber{}, "test", testFormatter{})
err := ws.ListenAndServe(":8080")
if err != nil {
Konsole allows for customization of behavior, and functionality as needed.