This is my first expirience to create telegram bot based on aiogram. This bot scrapes exchange rate of Russian rubles and Tajikistans somoni from, National Bank of Tajikistan and money transfer rate from top Tajik banks then it shows to users.
You need install all packeges from requirements.txt
There is exist local telegram group which I follow
and where everytime people were asked about money transfer rate of RUB/TJS.
It's Tajikistan local currency somoni. Everytime somebody telling for everyone who asked the rate of the currency.
So that's why I dicided automate this procces with getting top local banks money tranfer rate.
Cause of those Banks didn't have API, I dicided scrap web pages of banks
by using requests, BeautifulSoup
. Then I created Telegram bot where people can just press the button to know ex rate of currency.
In banks
module located all related scripts that scrape data from webpages of Banks
After install all requirments and get API from BotFather of Telegram run it in terminal python