Have you ever been in a standup, and suddenly thought—
What the FUCK did I do today?
I know I have. Hell, I think that every waking moment of my life.
Well, if you use Codebase to manage your projects, boy are you in luck today.
pip install standup
To find out what the FUCK you did today, open up a terminal and type—
standup_codebase.py -u<username> -k<key> <project>
(NB, you can find <username>
and <key>
in Codebase somewhere.) Wait a few seconds and BOOM instant standup information.
standup_codebase.py -u<username> -k<key> <project> -a
And you can see what everyone else did as well, and call them out on LYING.
Lazy? Instead of typing your username and key everytime, you can create a JSON file at ~/.codebase
"username": "coolstorybro/beau",
"key": "666"
And then type—
standup_codebase.py <project> -a
Much easier. Hit up standup_codebase.py -h
for full help.
I'm a pretty chill guy so I licensed this under the Do What The Fuck You Want Public License. So do what the FUCK you want.