The Simple React Prerenderer is designed to simply prerender existing react apps, without having to configure much.
Install the package
yarn add simple-react-prerender --dev
npm install simple-react-prerender --save-dev
then use it in a self written script:
const prerenderer = require('simple-react-prerender')
const MyAppToPrerender = require('./src/myAppToPrerender')
const jsDomConfig = {
url: '',
referrer: '',
contentType: 'text/html',
// use prerenderer.mockBrowser, if you are NOT providing the app via a file path.
// optional: the path to the file where the app shall be prerendered
// if provided, simple-react-prerender will write the prerendered app there
// if not provided, simple-react-prerender will return the prerendered string
html: '/path/to/index.html',
// mandatory: the app to prerender. This can be either a file path, or the required app itself
app: '/path/to/App/index.js',
// app: MyAppToPrerender,
// optional: the props for the app
props: {}
// optional: the config of jsdom - useful if you are using ReactRouter
// if using ReactRouter, check
jsDom: jsDomConfig,
// optional: the babel config - will be used with babel-register
// can be a JSON string or an object
babel: undefined,
// optional: dry run - no file will be changed
dry: false,
// optional: silent mode - don't print anything on the console
silent: false,
You should also read this:
Provide a component, which wraps the react-redux
This file will be used by simple-react-prerender, to prerender your app:
import React from 'react'
import {Provider} from 'react-redux'
import AppRouter from './components/appRouter'
const ProviderApp = ({store}) => <Provider store={store}><AppRouter/></Provider>
export default ProviderApp
Furthermore, you will need a prerender script:
const prerenderer = require('simple-react-prerender')
// if your store initializer needs babel
plugins: [
// provide simple window mock if you use the redux dev-tools
window = {}
// create the store
const {initStore} = require('../src/redux/init')
const store = initStore()
html: '/path/to/index.html',
app: '/path/to/ProviderApp.js',
// pass the store to the provider app
props: {store},
finally, run the prerender script:
node scripts/prerender.js