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Release 5.4.0

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@mduft mduft released this 05 Jul 09:03
· 1378 commits to master since this release


  • Added the possibility to view compressed log files directly from the UI.
  • Added support for authentication flows with Auth0 and Okta providers, enabling multi-factor authentication support. Feature Discovery
  • Added support for manually maintained user groups, allowing assignment of permissions to multiple users in an easier fashion.
  • Added support for rolling process output log files to prevent ever growing out.txt files in instances. This comes with the drawback that output can no longer be captured if BDeploy is restarted (but the target process keeps running). An according notice will be added to affected files.
  • Complete overhaul of the session management in the frontend to further increase the security and prevent possibilities of out-of-bands session hijacking.
  • Added support for conditional endpoints, which comes especially handy for optional features in an application.
  • Added support for OWASP ASVS password policy with one exception: passwords are not verified against a DB of breached passwords due to potential network restrictions.

The stricter password policy will require you to use much better passwords than previously. This will not invalidate any existing insecure passwords - however we do suggest you change those to a more secure password.


  • Add the possibility to delete and instance from the CLI.
  • Add explanatory captions to the diff viewer when merging configuration files.
  • Improve handling of UI Endpoints in the client applications page.
  • Further improve partial data updates from the backend to further reduce the traffic and load times for the UI.
  • Further reduce unneeded reloads of data on unrelated events in the UI.
  • Also list all software repositories in the user permission edit panel.
  • Improve support for multiple background threads per user request on the backend.
  • Add a show password toggle to all password fields.
  • Add a password strength meter to the change password and add user panels.
  • Further improvements related to anti-virus and malware scanners which might hold a lock on certain files at unexpected points in time.
  • When bulk installing multiple latest instance versions, support performing this in parallel on each server.
  • Improve the visibility and information about the managed server in control of an instance from the instance dashboard.
  • Further restrict the supported cipher suites for TLS to further increase communication security.
  • Provide Content-Security-Policy and a few related headers to further improve security of the frontend in general and protect the user from attack vectors outside of BDeploy itself.
  • Improve handling of errors and internal issues to no longer unintentionally export internal information to unauthorized attackers.
  • Update many, many third party dependencies.
  • Fix a lot of static code analysis findings to prevent and fix smaller issues.


  • Make sure that a eager user cannot click the install button of a BDeploy system update multiple times.
  • Fix an issue that would prevent READ users from viewing instance dashboards.
  • Fix an issue that would lead to duplicated or missing output in the terminal components when viewing process consoles and output logs.
  • Fix issues with dark text when using the dark theme in certain popups.
  • Fix an issue where two download buttons would both go to busy state if either of them is clicked.
  • Fix an issue where shifting network ports would not properly store shifted ports in URLs.
  • Fix multiple issues that would occur if certain operations on the same hive would be performed in parallel with unlucky timing (delete/list/load).
  • Fix an issue that would lead to an error if a user with proper permission tries to delete a product version from a software repository.
  • Fix an issue where it would have been possible to sneak unsupported characters (whitespaces) in file uploads.
  • Fix an issue that prevented client applications from being pasted to instance configurations.
  • Fix an issue where fixed parameters with no default value would be reset on product update.
  • Fix an issue which would allow manipulated requests to escape the defined data directories.
  • Fix an issue that prevented the confirm button to enable when filling out template variables, and all template variables are already pre-filled by the template.