There are a number of rules that can be validated with azure openapi validator, they are focused with Azure API specs ( ARM and/or Dataplane).
Don't specify both additionalProperties and properties in the same object schema. Only use additionalProperties to define "map" structures.
Please refer to for details.
Specifying additionalProperties
with type: object
is a common error.
Please refer to for details.
All proxy resources that have a put operation defined should also support a delete operation. This makes the APIs intuitive for customers as they would expect every resource that they have the ability to create to also be deletable. There are rare sceanrios where a customer is allowed to create and replace a resource but never be able to delete them. In such cases it is ok to not implement a delete but such cases are very rare and should be avoided.
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM guidelines ,all the resources ,including top-level and nested resources, must have a get operation.
Please refer to for details.
All tracked resources MUST support delete.
Please refer to for details.
This rule appears if in the parameter definition you have anonymous types.
Please refer to for details.
The host is required for management plane specs.
Please refer to for details.
The api-version
parameter should not be an enum. This rule is primarily to discourage a practice observed
in some APIs of defining api-version
as an enum with a single value -- the most current API version.
This requires removing the old API version when a new version is defined, which is disallowed by the breaking changes policy.
Please refer to for details.
Operation is missing the 'api-version' parameter.
Please refer to for details.
The API Version parameter MUST be in the Year-Month-Date format (i.e. 2016-07-04.) NOTE that this is the en-US ordering of month and date. The date MAY optionally be followed by one of:
- -preview - Indicates the API version is in (public) preview
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM guidelines, top level properties should not be repeated inside the properties bag for ARM resources.
Please refer to for details.
An array must claim "type:'array'" explicitly.
Please refer to for details.
A schema of array
type must always contain an items
property. without it, AutoRest will fail to generate an SDK.
Please refer to for details.
Definitions must not have properties named "additionalProperties". The following are the only scenarios where "additionalProperties" are allowed
- User defined tags.
"properties": {
"tags": {
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object"
- Predefined refrences such as common-types.
"properties": {
"identity": {
"$ref": "../../../../../common-types/resource-management/v5/managedidentity.json#/definitions/ManagedServiceIdentity"
Please refer to for details.
This rule appears when you define a model type inline, rather than in the definitions section. If the model represents the same type as another parameter in a different operation, then it becomes impossible to reuse that same class for both operations.
Please refer to for details.
Response schema must not be empty, or it will block code generation.
Please refer to for details.
The documentation is being generated from the OpenAPI(swagger) and published at "". From that perspective, documentation team would like to avoid having links to the "" in the OpenAPI(swagger) and SDK documentations.
Please refer to for details.
Consider using x-ms-client-flatten to provide a better end user experience. Nested properties can result into bad user experience especially when creating request objects. x-ms-client-flatten
flattens the model properties so that the users can analyze and set the properties much more easily. Overly nested properties (especially required ones) can result into a non optimal user experience.
Please refer to for details.
This rule is to check if the tags definition of a resource conforms to the common tags definition.
Please refer to for details.
This violation is flagged if a request body parameter's property name (BodyPropertiesNamesCamelCase) is not in camelCase
format. This is because the model's properties are sent across the wire and must adhere to common Json conventions for naming. This implies that every property name must start with a lower cased letter and all subsequent words within the name must start with a capital letter. In cases where there are acronyms involved, a maximum of three contiguous capital letters are allowed (acronyms should not be longer that 2 characters - see, third upper case could be start of next word). Eg: redisCache
, publicIPAddress
, location
are valid, but sampleSQLQuery
is not (must be renamed as sampleSqlQuery
Please refer to for details.
Top level properties should be one of name, type, id, location, properties, tags, plan, sku, etag, managedBy, identity, systemData, extendedlocation. As per ARM guidelines, top level properties of a resource should be only ones from the allowed set.
Please refer to for details.
Booleans may not be descriptive enough to use in the case. Instead, consider using string enums with allowed set of values defined..
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM guidelines, a model returned by an x-ms-pageable
operation must have a property named value
. This property indicates what type of array the object is.
Please refer to for details.
The properties in the patch body must be present in the resource model and follow json merge patch.
Please refer to for details.
The standard pattern for REST operations is that a create (PUT), read (GET), and update (PATCH) all return a representation of the resource. For a path with a "create" operation (put or patch that returns 201), the 200 response of get, put, and patch, if present, should have the same response body schema as the create operation 201 response.
Please refer to for details.
A PUT API must always return the same response schema for both the 200 and 201 status codes. The response schema must not vary between the initial PUT and the subsequent rePUTs. The schema represented by the response must always represent the same resource.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether if a specification does not have any control characters in it. Control characters are not allowed in a specification.
Please refer to for details.
The default error response schema SHOULD correspond to the schema documented at common-api-details.
Please refer to for details.
This rule applies when the default value specified by the property does not appear in the enum constraint for a schema.
Please refer to for details.
The value assigned as a default for an enum property must be present in the enums' list.
Please refer to for details.
All operations should have a default (error) response.
Please refer to for details.
Property names must use lowerCamelCase style. If the property is a single word (ex: foo, bar, etc.) it will be all lowercase. Two-letter acronyms (ex: ID, IO, IP, etc.) should be capitalized. Three-letter acronyms (ex: API, URL, etc.) should only have the first letter capitalized (ex: Api, Url, etc.) For more capitalization guidance, see:
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether value for operationId
is named as per ARM guidelines.
Please refer to for details.
The request body of a delete operation must be empty.
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM Specs, all DELETE methods (non-async) must have responses code implementation: 200, 204.
Please refer to for details.
The delete response body must be empty.
Please refer to for details.
Synchronous delete operations must have 200, 204, and default responses and long-running (LRO) delete operations must have 202, 204, and default responses. They must not have any other responses.
Please refer to for details.
A delete operation should have a 204 response.
Please refer to for details.
The x-ms-code-generation-settings is being deprecated. AutoRest (v3) is using settings in readme file for code generation and will stop supporting it inside the swagger file. Please ensure to remove the parameter from swagger spec and move settings to readme.
Please refer to for details.
The definition must have at least one of the properties - description/title.
Please refer to for details.
Description section must provide details on the current operation or model. Using the name of node in description does not provide any value.
Please refer to for details.
The value of the 'description' property must be descriptive. It cannot be spaces or empty description.
Please refer to for details.
This rule is to ensure the documentation link in the description does not contains any locale.
Please refer to for details.
Booleans properties are not descriptive in all cases and can make them to use, evaluate whether is makes sense to keep the property as boolean or turn it into an enum.
Please refer to for details.
Enum must define type, and type must not be object. Or it will fail SDK auto-generation.
Please refer to for details.
Enum must not be empty, or contain special character, like space, tab, etc. It will lead to code generation failure in downstream pipeline.
Please refer to for details.
This rule is to check if the enum values conform to the type.
Please refer to for details.
Enum must not contain duplicated value (case insensitive).
Please refer to for details.
Error response body should conform to Azure API Guidelines.
Please refer to for details.
API path with PUT operation defined MUST have even number of segments (i.e. end in {resourceType}/{resourceName} segments).
Please refer to for details.
Path (operation) for 'extension routing type' (that has additional /providers/ segment in parent scope) must be of the form '{scope}/provider/RPNamespace/resourceTypeName' (shouldn't include parent scope)
Please refer to for details.
It can be appropriate to use formData parameters when sending multiple file-type parameters or an array of file-type parameters.
But it is usually unnecessary and can be overly complicated to use formData when all you are doing is sending a single file-type parameter.
Instead, consider defining a body
parameter with type: string, format: binary
and use content-type application/octet-stream
Please refer to for details.
List GET endpoints (collection GET) must only have value
and nextLink
in properties
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM guidelines, for all resources (top-level and nested), collection GETs should have a response definition with a property "value" containing an array of the "resource" schema.The definition returned in the collection "value" array should be the same as the response body for the individual GET.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether value for operationId
is named as per ARM guidelines.
Please refer to for details.
The request body of a get operation must be empty.
Please refer to for details.
Only asynchronous(i.e. Long Running Operation) can have x-ms-long-running-operation-options
The GET calls are synchronous and it MUST NOT have
- x-ms-long-running-operation-options
property block
- x-ms-long-running-operation
set to true
Please refer to for details.
The get operation should only return 200, also it should not be a long running operation. In addition, it can return 202 only if it has location header defined (i.e, if it is a polling action).
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether format is specified as "uuid" or not.
Please refer to for details.
Authorization, Content-type, and Accept headers should not be defined explicitly.
Please refer to for details.
This is to validate if parameters in the 'x-ms-parameterized-host' follow the following rules::
- If a parameter matches belows, therefore it must be called 'endpoint' and be typed 'type:string, format:url'.
- Client level (x-ms-parameter-location: client)
- A path component (in: path)
- Part of a 'x-ms-parametrized-host' with 'useSchemePrefix: false'
- Tagged 'x-ms-skip-encoding: true'
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether specification supports HTTPS scheme or not.
Please refer to for details.
This rule is to check if all the APIs for private endpoint are implemented. Per design spec, for supporting private endpoint, the service should implement the following APIs: PUT/DELETE/GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{groupName}/providers/Microsoft.[Service]/{resourceType}/{resourceName}/privateEndpointConnections/{privateEndpointConnectionName}?api-version=[version] GET{subId}/resourceGroups/{rgName}/providers/Microsoft.[Service]/[resources]/{resourceName}/privateEndpointConnections?api-version=[version] GET{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{groupName}/providers/Microsoft.[Service]/[resources]/[resourceName]/privateLinkResources?api-version=[version]
Please refer to for details.
The type:integer must have a required format. Possible value for format are int32 and int64.
Please refer to for details.
Sku model definition needs to follow ARM guidelines and can contain only a certain set of properties as described in the message.
Please refer to for details.
Each operation definition must have a HTTP verb and it must be DELETE/GET/PUT/PATCH/HEAD/OPTIONS/POST/TRACE.
Please refer to for details.
This rule checks for references that aren't using the latest version of common-types.
Please refer to for details.
must not have the license section specified in the OpenAPI documents since each generated SDK can have a different licensing header. This information must be provided either from the command line or the configuration file when actually generating the sdk.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether value for operationId
is named as per ARM guidelines when response contains array of items.
Please refer to for details.
A tracked resource's location
property must have the x-ms-mutability
properties set as read
, create
('"x-ms-mutability":["read", "create"]'). Location is a property that is set once and non-updatable for a tracked resource. Hence, per ARM guidelines the only operations allowed are read
and create
Please refer to for details.
This is a rule introduced to make the understanding of Long Running Operations more clear. In case of LRO Post operation with return schema, it MAY be ambiguous for the SDK to understand automatically what the return schema is modeling. To avoid any confusion that would lead SDK to incorrectly instantiate the return type, service team needs to explain if the return schema is modeling a result from a "Location" header, or from an "Azure-AsyncOperation" header. More details on LRO operation could be found here
Please refer to for details.
Per x-ms-long-running-operation ,The operation which returns 202 status code indicates a long running operation. Every long running operation must have the x-ms-long-running-operation enabled.
Please refer to for details.
For Data plane spec, the allowed response status codes for a long DELETE operation are "200","202", & "204"; the allowed response status codes for a POST operation are "200", "201" ,"202", & "204"; the allowed response status codes for a PUT/PATCH operation are "200","201", & "202".
Please refer to for details.
Error response content of long running operations must follow the error schema provided in the common types v2 and above.
Please refer to for details.
Operations with a 202 response should specify x-ms-long-running-operation: true
GET operation is excluded from the validation as GET will have 202 only if it is a polling action & hence x-ms-long-running-operation wouldn't be defined
Please refer to for details.
A 202 response should include an Operation-Location
response header.
Please refer to for details.
Location header must be supported for all async operations that return 202.
Please refer to for details.
This is a rule introduced to validate if a LRO PATCH operations response schema has "ProvisioningState" property specified for the 200 status code.
Please refer to for details.
Async PATCH should return 202.
Please refer to for details.
The long running post operation must not use final-stat-via:original-uri.
Please refer to for details.
This is a rule introduced to validate if a LRO PUT operations response schema has "ProvisioningState" property specified for the 200 and 201 status codes.
Please refer to for details.
The '200'/'201' responses of the long running operation must have a schema definition.
Please refer to for details.
The long running operation with final-state-via:original-uri should have a sibling 'get' operation.
Please refer to for details.
All operations should have a default (error) response.
Please refer to for details.
A nested resource type's List operation must include all the parent segments in its api path.
Please refer to for details.
The rule should apply to any schema with "properties" or "additionalProperties". It is to ensure a schema with "properties" or "additionalProperties" must have explicit "type:object" statement, which means a schema is an object.
Please refer to for details.
If defines response code 4xx or 5xx , x-ms-error-response:true is required. There is one exception: a HEAD operation with 404 SHOULD have x-ms-error-response:false, as it is often used to check for existence of resources, the HEAD with 404 means the resource doesn’t exist.
Please refer to for details.
Don't use x-ms-paths
except where necessary to support legacy APIs.
It is non-standard and therefore ignored by tooling that has not been specifically designed to support it.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether a model property which has a readOnly property set has the appropriate x-ms-mutability
options. If readonly: true
, x-ms-mutability
must be ["read"]
. If readonly: false
, x-ms-mutability
can be any of the x-ms-mutability
options. More details about this extension can be found here.
Please refer to for details.
A parameter must have a name
property for the SDK to be properly generated.
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM guidelines, all the nested must have a list operation which returns the collection of the resource.
Please refer to for details.
Per definition of AutoRest x-ms-pageable extension, the property specified by nextLinkName must exist in the 200 response schema.
Please refer to for details.
Swagger authors that use the scope
path parameter to indicate that an API is applicable to various scopes (Tenant,
Management Group, Subscription, Resource Group, etc.), must not include API paths with explicitly defined scopes (e.g. a
path parameter).
Please refer to for details.
Responses must only be specified for success (200
, 201
, 202
, 204
) response codes and the default
response. Any errors must only be surfaced by using the default
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether operation supports "application/json" as consumes or produces section.
Please refer to for details.
The x-ms-client-name
extension is used to change the name of a parameter or property in the generated code.
Please refer to for details.
You should avoid the use of x-nullable: true
. Properties with no value should simply be omitted from the payload.
Please refer to for details.
An operationId can have exactly one underscore, not adhering to it can cause errors in code generation.
Please refer to for details.
Every operation must have a 'description'/'summary' property.
Please refer to for details.
The first part of an operation Id separated by an underscore i.e., Noun
in a Noun_Verb
should not conflict with names of the models defined in the definitions section. If this happens, AutoRest appends Model
to the name of the model to resolve the conflict (NounModel
in given example) with the name of the client itself (which will be named as Noun
in given example). This can result in an inconsistent user experience.
Please refer to for details.
OperationId should be of the form Noun_Verb
Please refer to for details.
Each operation must have a unique operationId.
Please refer to for details.
OperationId should conform to Azure API Guidelines.
Please refer to for details.
Every operation should have a summary or description.
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM guidelines, each RP must expose an operations API that returns information about all the operations available with the service.
Please refer to for details.
The operations API should have a response body schema consistent with the contract spec. The required properties such as isDataAction
and display.resource
,must be included.
Please refer to for details.
Response content of operations API must follow the error schema provided in the common types.
Please refer to for details.
The get operation endpoint for the operations API must be scoped tenant-wide. Operations must not vary per subscription.
Please refer to for details.
This rule was introduced to check if a pageable operation has x-ms-pageable enabled.
Please refer to for details.
Per definition of AutoRest x-ms-pageable extension, the response schema must contain a 200 response schema.
Please refer to for details.
Pagination parameters must conform to Azure guidelines.
Please refer to for details.
A required parameter should not specify a default value.
Please refer to for details.
A parameter must have 'description' property.
Please refer to for details.
All parameters should have a description.
Please refer to for details.
Parameter names should conform to Azure naming conventions.
Please refer to for details.
All parameter names for an operation should be case-insensitive unique.
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM guidelines, if subscriptionId
is used anywhere as a path parameter, it must always be defined as global parameter. api-version
is almost always an input parameter in any ARM spec and must also be defined as a global parameter.
Please refer to for details.
Some commonly used parameters are defined in the common-types directory. These parameters should be referenced instead of explicitly redefining them.
Please refer to for details.
Path parameters must be in the same order as in the path.
Please refer to for details.
Point Get's MUST not have query parameters other than api version.
Please refer to for details.
For a POST action parameters MUST be in the payload and not in the URI.
Please refer to for details.
The rule is to ensure the parameters in the same order as they are ranked in the path. Since it can introduce a breaking change when updating parameter order, for services that have already shipped public versions, you may request to suppress the rule following the process documented here:
Please refer to for details.
A request parameter of the Patch Operation must not have a required/default/'x-ms-mutability:"create"' value.
Please refer to for details.
The request body content type for patch operations should be JSON merge patch.
Please refer to for details.
RP should consider implementing Patch for the 'identity' envelope property if it's defined in the resource model. You may ignore this violation if your service does not allow updation of the identity property once it is set. In such a case the property must be marked with x-ms-mutability [create, read]
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether value for operationId
is named as per ARM guidelines.
Please refer to for details.
Validates that each PATCH request body contains properties present in the corresponding PUT request body, and must contain at least one property.
Please refer to for details.
Synchronous PATCH must have 200 return code and LRO PATCH must have 200 and 202 return codes.
Please refer to for details.
RP should consider implementing Patch for the 'SKU' envelope property if it's defined in the resource model. You may ignore this violation if your service does not allow updation of the Sku property once it is set. In such a case the property must be marked with x-ms-mutability [create, read]
Please refer to for details.
Path should contain only recommended characters. The recommended characters are 0-9, A-Z, a-z, -, ., _, ~, and :.
Please refer to for details.
Path for resource group scoped CRUD methods MUST contain a resourceGroupName parameter.
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM RPC,Uri for resource CRUD methods MUST contain a resource type. Uri path starts with <scope>/providers/<namespace>/<resourcetype> format, where
- <scope> is one of:
- Tenant/Global: '/'
- Subscription: "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}"
- Resource group: "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}",
- <namespace> is a literal (e.g. "Microsoft.Compute") consisting of alphanumeric characters, plus '.'.
- <resourcetype> is a literal resource type name, follow below rules:
- MUST consist of alphanumeric characters only
- SHOULD describe the resource type
- Must be lowerCamelCase words
- Must be a plural
Please refer to for details.
Path for resource group scoped CRUD methods MUST contain a subscriptionId parameter, like '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.MyNameSpace/MyResourceType/{Name}'.
Please refer to for details.
Path for CRUD methods on a nested resource type MUST follow valid resource naming, like '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.MyNameSpace/MyResourceType/{Name}/NestedResourceType/{nestedResourceName}'. There is one exception where extension resources with fully qualified path of the below format can exist "/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{virtualMachineName}/{resourceProviderScope}/providers/Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/{groupQuotaName}/groupQuotaRequests/{requestId}" In such cases the author would need to suppress the error being flagged using
Please refer to for details.
Path for 'post' method on a resource type MUST follow valid resource naming, like '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.MyNameSpace/MyResourceType/{Name}/Action'.
Please refer to for details.
A tracked resource is supported only under a resource group scope, so all API paths for a tracked resource must contain the subscriptions and resourceGroups segments
Please refer to for details.
Path parameter names should be consistent across all paths.
Please refer to for details.
Path parameter should be type: string and specify maxLength and pattern.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether the resource provider namespace in the last segment of the path matches the namespace to which the specification file belongs. E.g the path /providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vmName}/providers/Microsoft.Insights/extResource/{extType}' is allowed only if the segment /Microsoft.Insights matches the namespace name to which the specification file belongs (Microsoft.Insights).
Please refer to for details.
Resource provider naming in path SHOULD follow the pascal case. (e.g. Microsoft.Insights/components/proactiveDetectionConfigs) For more detail, pls refer to
Please refer to for details.
Resource type or other identifiers (include: namespace, entityTypes) SHOULD follow camel case. (e.g. Microsoft.Insights/components/proactiveDetectionConfigs, not ProactiveDetectionConfig) For more detail, pls refer to
Please refer to for details.
Using post for a create operation is discouraged.
Please refer to for details.
A POST operation's operationId should contain the verb indicated at the end of the corresponding url.
Please refer to for details.
Synchronous POST operations must have one of the following combinations of responses - 200 and default ; 204 and default. They also must not have other response codes. Long-running POST operations must have responses with 202 and default return codes. They must also have a 200 return code if only if the final response is intended to have a schema, if not the 200 return code must not be specified. They also must not have other response codes. 202 response for a LRO POST operation must not have a response schema specified.
Please refer to for details.
Per Retirement-of-Previews, service, feature, API, and SKU in preview for over one year need to move to GA or retire.
Please refer to for details.
This rule is to check if the schemas used by private endpoint conform to the common privateLink. The rule will check the schemas of following models and their properties:
- PrivateEndpointConnection
- PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties
- PrivateEndpointConnectionListResult
- PrivateLinkResource
- PrivateLinkResourceProperties
- PrivateLinkResourceListResult
Please refer to for details.
Properties with type:object that don't reference a model definition are not allowed. ARM doesn't allow generic type definitions as this leads to bad customer experience.
Please refer to for details.
Property should have a description.
Please refer to for details.
Property names should be camel case.
Please refer to for details.
Schema property should have a defined type.
Please refer to for details.
This is a rule introduced to validate if provisioningState property is set to readOnly.
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM guideline, provisioningState must have terminal states: Succeeded, Failed and Canceled.
Please refer to for details.
For a given path with PUT, GET and PATCH operations, the schema of the response must be the same. Having the same response will provide a consistent experience to the user, i.e. the user could use the same model object to perform various operations. Also, within the SDK, this will encourage reuse of the same model objects.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether value for operationId
is named as per ARM guidelines.
Please refer to for details.
The put method should be used for resource create or replace, which generally requires the resource id to specified as the final path parameter.
Please refer to for details.
A PUT operation request body schema should be the same as its 200 response schema, to allow reusing the response as a request to another PUT operation. This will provide a consistent experience to the user, i.e. the user could use the same model object to perform multiple operations. Also, within the SDK, this will encourage reuse of the same model objects.
Please refer to for details.
The request & response('200') schema of the PUT operation must be same.
Please refer to for details.
Synchronous and long-running PUT operations must have responses with 200, 201 and default return codes. They must not have any other response codes.
Please refer to for details.
Information in the URI must not be repeated in the request body (i.e. subscription ID, resource group name, resource name).
Please refer to for details.
A PUT or PATCH request must always have a request body defined. This rule applies to all ARM resources (Tracked and Proxy). PUT and PATCH operations using an empty payload is not allowed in ARM.
Please refer to for details.
A get or delete operation must not accept a body parameter.
Please refer to for details.
The body parameter is not marked as required -- this is a common error. While there are some cases where a body may be optional, they are rare.
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM Specs, every operation must have a default error response implementation.
Please refer to for details.
As per ARM guidelines, a Resource
model must have the name
, id
and type
properties defined as readOnly
in its hierarchy. name
, type
and id
are readonly properties set by the service.
Please refer to for details.
Per common-api-contracts, all Azure resources should implement the systemData
object property in new api-version. The systemData should be readonly.
Please refer to for details.
Service-defined (reserved) resource names must be represented as an enum
type with modelAsString
set to true
, not
as a static string in the path. This is to allow for expansion of the resource collection to include more service
defined instances in future if necessary. Changing the representation of the path in swagger to an enum does not require
you to change the implementation of the API in the service. Adhering to this best practice helps with forward
compatibility and avoids potential breaking changes in future revisions of the API.
Please refer to for details.
A 'Resource' definition must have x-ms-azure-resource extension enabled and set to true. This will indicate that the model is an Azure resource.
Please refer to for details.
This rule ensures that the authors explicitly define these restrictions as a regex on the resource name. If a team does not have custom rules then the ARM's default rule should get applied.
Please refer to for details.
Validates if 200 & 201 success status codes for an ARM PUT operation has a response schema specified.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies if a Azure resource has a corresponding 'provisioningState' property. If the 'provisioningState' is not defining explicitly , the client will drop the state when the service does return it.
Please refer to for details.
All schemas should have a description or title.
Please refer to for details.
Schema names should be Pascal case. This includes any acronyms.
Please refer to for details.
Every schema should specify a well-defined combination of type
and format
is required for type integer and number, optional for type string,
and not allowed for any other types.
The well-defined type/format combinations are:
type: integer
format | description | comments |
int32 | signed 32 bits | from [oas2][oas2] |
int64 | signed 64 bits | from [oas2][oas2] |
unixtime | Unix time stamp | from [AutoRest][autorest] |
type: number | ||
format | description | comments |
------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------- |
float | 32 bit floating point | from [oas2][oas2] |
int64 | 64 bit floating point | from [oas2][oas2] |
decimal | 128 bit floating point | from [AutoRest][autorest] |
type: string | ||
format | description | comments |
----------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------- |
byte | base64 encoded characters | from [oas2][oas2] |
binary | any sequence of octets | from [oas2][oas2] |
date | [RFC3339][rfc3339] full-date | from [oas2][oas2] |
date-time | [RFC3339][rfc3339] date-time | from [oas2][oas2] |
password | sensitive value | from [oas2][oas2] |
char | from [AutoRest][autorest] | |
time | from [AutoRest][autorest] | |
date-time-rfc1123 | from [AutoRest][autorest] | |
date-time-rfc7231 | from [AutoRest][autorest] | |
duration | from [AutoRest][autorest] | |
uuid | from [AutoRest][autorest] | |
base64url | from [AutoRest][autorest] | |
url | from [AutoRest][autorest] | |
uri | from [AutoRest][autorest] | |
odata-query | from [AutoRest][autorest] | |
certificate | from [AutoRest][autorest] | |
[oas2]: | ||
[autorest]: | ||
[rfc3339]: |
Please refer to for details.
All security definitions should have a description.
Please refer to for details.
Each OpenAPI json document must contain a security definitions section and the section must adhere to a certain format.
Please refer to for details.
must not be an operation parameter and must be declared in the global parameters section.
Please refer to for details.
The URLs should be checked for consistency. It is easy to type "resourcegroups" instead of "resourceGroups". The current rules allow that through, which causes an issue at the resource provider registration step. When that happens, the APIs get split into two sets in the swagger. The RPaaS registration is very strict and requires the same resource to have all APIs in one set. The pipeline needs to be aware of this kind of behavior and provider URL validation.
Please refer to for details.
All success responses except 202 & 204 should define a response body.
Please refer to for details.
Each operation has a summary and description values. They must not be same.
Please refer to for details.
System data references must utilize common types.
Please refer to for details.
Validates that system data is not defined in the properties bag, but rather as a top-level property.
Please refer to for details.
Tenant level APIs are strongly discouraged and subscription or resource group level APIs are preferred instead. If you cannot model your APIs at these levels, you will need to present your design and get an exception from the PAS team. Once the exception is granted author would need to suppress the error being flagged by following steps mentioned in
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM guidelines, all the top-level resources must have a list by resource group operation which returns the collection of the resource.
Please refer to for details.
Per ARM guidelines, all the top-level resources must have a list by subscription operation which returns the collection of the resource.
Please refer to for details.
Extension resources are always considered to be proxy and must not be of the type tracked.
Please refer to for details.
Tracked resources must not be used beyond the third level of nesting.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies if a tracked resource has a corresponding GET operation. What's a tracked resource? A Tracked Resource is an ARM Resource with "location" as a required property.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies if a tracked resource has a corresponding list by immediate parent operation. What's a tracked resource? A Tracked Resource is an ARM Resource with "location" as a required property.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies if a tracked resource has a corresponding ListByResourceGroup operation. What's a tracked resource? A Tracked Resource is an ARM Resource with "location" as a required property.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies if a tracked resource has a corresponding ListByResourceGroup operation. What's a tracked resource? A Tracked Resource is an ARM Resource with "location" as a required property.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies if a tracked resource has a corresponding PATCH operation. What's a tracked resource? A Tracked Resource is an ARM Resource with "location" as a required property.
Please refer to for details.
Every tracked resource must support tags as an optional property. The specified tracked resource either does not have 'tags' as a property or has 'tags' marked as required.
Please refer to for details.
Tracked resources must have a PUT operation.
Please refer to for details.
The patch operation body parameter schema must not contain top level "id", "name", "type", "location" as writable properties. The operation body parameter schema must also not contain provisioningState in the properties bag as a writable property. This is because these properties are not patchable. To fix this, either remove the offending properties from the request payload of the Patch operation, or mark them as readOnly or immutable. A Patch operation may not change the id, name, type, location, or properties.provisioningState of the resource.
Please refer to for details.
This may cause a problem when different swagger files come together. If two APIs with different client name have the same client parameter subscriptionId, but with different reference name in swaggers, the generated model will also have two clients with two client parameters subscriptionId and subscriptionId1 (the latter one has been renamed to avoid collision). We should ensure that the client parameters are all unique in the same API version.
Please refer to for details.
Do not rely on case sensitivity to differentiate models.
Please refer to for details.
This rule will check all the swagger files with the same api-version, and ensure there is no duplicate x-ms-enum name. The following cases are deemed as violation:
- if two enums have the same x-ms-enum name , but types are different.
- if two enums have the same x-ms-enum name , but 'modelAsString' are different.
- if two enums have the same x-ms-enum name , but include different values.
- if two enums have the same x-ms-enum name and 'modelAsString' is false , but enums' values have different order.
Please refer to for details.
x-ms-example name should be unique in the same API version.
Please refer to for details.
Only valid types are allowed for properties.
Please refer to for details.
Every operation response must contain a valid code like "200","201","202" or "204" which indicates the operation is succeed and it's not allowed that a response schema just contains a "default" code.
Please refer to for details.
API version should be a date in YYYY-MM-DD format, optionally suffixed with '-preview'.
Please refer to for details.
All services should follow the Azure API Guidelines for specifying the API version using a query parameter with a date-based value.
Please refer to for details.
The x-ms-client-name
extension is used to change the name of a parameter or property in the generated code. By using the 'x-ms-client-name' extension, a name can be defined for use specifically in code generation, separately from the name on the wire. It can be used for query parameters and header parameters, as well as properties of schemas. This name is case sensitive.
Please refer to for details.
The x-ms-client-name
extension is used to change the name of a parameter or property in the generated code. By using the 'x-ms-client-name' extension, a name can be defined for use specifically in code generation, separately from the name on the wire. It can be used for query parameters and header parameters, as well as properties of schemas. This name is case sensitive.
Please refer to for details.
AutoRest defines x-ms-enum extension to provide more flexibility for enum types, please refer to the documentation.
Please refer to for details.
Verifies whether x-ms-examples are provided for each operation or not.
Please refer to for details.
This rule is to check the id
property or identifier of objects in the array. See more here: x-ms-identifiers.
Please refer to for details.
If an operation's (PUT/POST/PATCH/DELETE) responses have Location
or Azure-AsyncOperation
headers then it MUST have the property x-ms-long-running-operation
set to true
Please refer to for details.
indicates that the results of a GET call may be paginated. All LIST APIs (a.k.a collection GETs) should include this annotation. Specifying this extension does not mean that the service must implement paging at runtime. The service may implement this when such a requirement arises. Specifying the extension upfront future proofs the API and avoids the breaking changes that may be flagged if the extension were to be introduced in future.
Please refer to for details.
When a tracked resource has list by resource group and subscription operations, the x-ms-pageable extension values must be same for both operations. A tracked resource is a resource with a 'location' property as required. If this rule flags a resource which does not have a 'location' property, then it might be a false positive.
Please refer to for details.
Per extensions ,when specifying a x-ms-pageable/nextLinkName, the corresponding nextlink property must be defined in the response schema.
Please refer to for details.
SDKs generated by AutoRest have two types of operation parameters: method arguments and client fields. The x-ms-parameter-location
extension gives the Swagger author control of how an operation-parameter will be interpreted by AutoRest, and as such is one of few things in a Swagger document that has semantic value only relevant to the shape of the generated SDKs.
Some parameters, such as API Version and Subscription ID will make sense as part of nearly every request. For these, having developers specify them for each method call would be burdensome; attaching them to the client and automatically including them in each request makes way more sense. Other parameters will be very operation specific and should be provided each time the method is called.
Please refer to for details.
The x-ms-paths
extension allows us to overload an existing path based on path parameters. We cannot specify an x-ms-paths
without a path that already exists in the paths
section. For more details about this extension please refer here.
Please refer to for details.
The 200 response model for an ARM PUT operation must have x-ms-azure-resource extension set to true in its hierarchy. Operation: '{0}' Model: '{1}'.
Please refer to for details.