ARM Error
ARM OpenAPI(swagger) specs
- RPC-Policy-V1-05, RPC-Put-V1-23
Definitions must not have properties named "additionalProperties".
The following are the only scenarios where "additionalProperties" are allowed
- User defined tags.
"properties": {
"tags": {
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object"
- Predefined refrences such as common-types.
"properties": {
"identity": {
"$ref": "../../../../../common-types/resource-management/v5/managedidentity.json#/definitions/ManagedServiceIdentity"
Remove the additionalProperties type from the payload. If you believe you still need this, please book an API modeling office hours slot to go over your scenario and get an exception. Please visit\armofficehoursinfo to book a meeting slot.
"properties": {
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object"
The above payload is considered invalid because ARM requires Resource provider teams to define the types explicitly. This is to ensure good customer experience in terms of the discoverability of concrete type definitions. If you believe your scenario requires the use of additionalProperties please book an ARM modeling office hours slot to explain the reasoning. Visit\armofficehoursinfo to book the meeting.