CMPUT 291 - Assignment 5
- Klyde Pausang, CCID: pausang
- Brad Conklin, CCID: bconklin
- Mashiad Hasan, CCID: mashiad
This assignment was done by these 3 students through the collaboration policy.
Each program in this assignment was created in python3. The MongoDB programs expect a Mongo server to be running on port 27012. Type mongod --port 27012 to start the server on this port
To run the programs, simply type "python3 prog_name" Where prog_name is the program name that wished to be run
- Our task was to create a python application that will create an SQLite database from the provided CSV files, naming the database "A5.db"
- To Run:
- Type "python3"
- Our task was to create a python application that will connect to a MongoDB databased called A5db and create within such a database a single collection where all the reviews associated to one given listing are embedded within that one listing.
- Task 2 uses the SQLite database from Task 1 (A5.db) in order to produce the data to build the MongoDB collection.
- To Run:
- Type "python3"
- Our interpretation of this task was to find how many listings each host own, sort the host_id in ascending order, then output the first 10 host_id (Ascending Order) with its corresponding amount of listing.
- To run:
- Type "python3 prog_name" where prog_rame can be either or
- Should output the result
- Our interpretation of this task was to find the ids and names of the listed properties which have not received any review, ordered by listing_id; only outputing the top 10
- To run:
- Type "python3 prog_name" where prog_rame can be either or
- Should output the ids and names of the listings which haven't received any review
- and the running times for the SQLite/MongoDB query
- Our interpretation of this task was to take the average price of a given neighbourhood.
- To run:
- Type "python3 prog_name" where prog_rame can be either or
- The program will ask the user to enter a neighbourhood
- Once the neighbourhood has been entered, the neighbourhood with its corresponding average price will be displayed (rounded to a whole integer)
- Our task was to create python files to find the host_name, price and most recent review of a listing_id provided by the user, in both SQL and MongoDB
- To run:
- Type "python3 prog_name" where prog_name can be either or
- The program will ask the user to enter a listing id
- The program will output the host_name, price and most recent review for the given listing
- Our task is to create a python file to find the top 3 listings which have reviews most similar to a set of keywords provided by the user, separated by commas
- To run:
- Type "python3"
- Enter keywords separated by commas
- The program will output the top 3 matching results