This provide basic support for the Go programming language by Google
`git clone git://
cd ~/go-vim
- This include a modified version of the Autocomplpop-plugin which can by found here
- Inludes all syntax highlighting and helper files included in the Go distribution
- Full support for Gocode (once installed)
for these plugins to work properly you need to add these lines to your vimrc `set ofu=syntaxcomplete#Complete
let Omnifunc_GlobalScopeSearch = 1
let Omnifunc_DisplayMode = 1
let Omnifunc_ShowPrototypeInAbbr = 1 "show prototype in pop-up
let Omnifunc_ShowAccess = 1 "show access in pop-up
let Omnifunc_SelectFirstItem = 1 "select first item in pop-up
set completeopt=menuone,menu,longest`
In order for autocomplete to work properly you must install gocode gocode can be found here
if you wish to have a look at how i have my .vim and vimrc setup please refer to this