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fix: update merge workflow handling of PR number inputs, part 3 #7

fix: update merge workflow handling of PR number inputs, part 3

fix: update merge workflow handling of PR number inputs, part 3 #7

Workflow file for this run

name: PR Closed
types: [closed]
# PR open and close use the same group, allowing only one at a time
group: ${{ github.event.number }}
cancel-in-progress: true
name: Cleanup and Images
uses: bcgov/quickstart-openshift-helpers/.github/workflows/[email protected]
oc_namespace: ${{ secrets.OC_NAMESPACE }}
oc_token: ${{ secrets.OC_TOKEN }}
cleanup: helm
packages: backend frontend migrations
cleanup_db: # TODO move it off to another action later.
name: Remove DB User from crunchy
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install CLI tools from OpenShift Mirror
uses: redhat-actions/openshift-tools-installer@v1
oc: "4.14.37"
- name: OC Login
shell: bash
run: |
# OC Login
OC_TEMP_TOKEN=$(curl -k -X POST${{ secrets.oc_namespace }}/serviceaccounts/pipeline/token --header "Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.oc_token }}" -d '{"spec": {"expirationSeconds": 600}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' | jq -r '.status.token' )
oc login --token=$OC_TEMP_TOKEN --server=
oc project ${{ secrets.oc_namespace }} # Safeguard!
- name: Remove PR user and database from crunchy
shell: bash
run: |
# check if postgres-crunchy exists or else exit
oc get PostgresCluster/postgres-crunchy || exit 0
# Remove the user from the crunchy cluster yaml and apply the changes
USER_TO_REMOVE='{"databases":["app-${{ github.event.number }}"],"name":"app-${{ github.event.number }}"}'
echo 'getting current users from crunchy'
CURRENT_USERS=$(oc get PostgresCluster/postgres-crunchy -o json | jq '.spec.users')
# Remove the user from the list,
UPDATED_USERS=$(echo "${CURRENT_USERS}" | jq --argjson user "${USER_TO_REMOVE}" 'map(select(. != $user))')
PATCH_JSON=$(jq -n --argjson users "${UPDATED_USERS}" '{"spec": {"users": $users}}')
oc patch PostgresCluster/postgres-crunchy --type=merge -p "${PATCH_JSON}"
# get primary crunchy pod and remove the role and db
CRUNCHY_PG_PRIMARY_POD_NAME=$(oc get pods -l -o json | jq -r '.items[0]')
# Terminate all connections to the database before trying terminate
oc exec "${CRUNCHY_PG_PRIMARY_POD_NAME}" -- psql -c "SELECT pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'app-${{ github.event.number }}' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();"
# Drop the database and role
oc exec "${CRUNCHY_PG_PRIMARY_POD_NAME}" -- psql -c "DROP DATABASE \"app-${{ github.event.number }}\" --cascade"
oc exec "${CRUNCHY_PG_PRIMARY_POD_NAME}" -- psql -c "DROP ROLE \"app-${{ github.event.number }}\" --cascade"
echo 'database and role deleted'
exit 0