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@bbepis bbepis released this 27 Jan 02:26
· 398 commits to master since this release
Version 2.18.0

 * FEATURE - Text Getter Compatibility Mode. Fools the game into thinking that it is not actually translated
 * FEATURE - Textures - Live2D component support
 * FEATURE - Textures - SpriteRenderer component support
 * FEATURE - Hotkey to reboot plugin in certain situations
 * BUG FIX - No longer trim translated text (if configured) when loading translation files
 * MISC - Support legacy OnLevelWasLoaded
 * MISC - Avoid harmless 'log errors' in relation to texture translation
 * MISC - Set max value of MaxCharactersPerTranslation to 500
 * MISC - Documentation update to describe 'Behaviour' configuration section
 * MISC - Removed "FromImageNameThenData" as hash source on textures
 * MISC - Added "FromImageNameAndScene" as hash source on textures
 * MISC - Inline comment handling when using '//' to indicate a comment
 * MISC - Improved default configuration for Utage-related games to improve translation when newlines are involved