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This project deploys a Cloud function to GCP using Cloud Build pipeline, at the time of writing this documentation the gitops pipeline is the folowing:

  • push to a feature branch => will run a plan on prod and dev environments
  • merge in dev branch => will deploy the function in dev environement
  • merge in prod branch => will deploy the function in prod environement

Supported Git repositories are Github and Cloud Source repository (GCP git), a gitlab integration is ongoing


  • Install gcloud gcloud

  • Install terraform

  • Authenticate to your GCP project

  • You need to give the Cloud Build service account rights to create ressources in your GCP project, to do so you can give it editor role:

    CLOUDBUILD_SA="$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT --format 'value(projectNumber)')"
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --member serviceAccount:$CLOUDBUILD_SA --role roles/editor

Repository setup

  • Github You need to install the Cloud Build Github App and connect your github repository to GCP, to do so follow this documentation

  • Cloud Source Repository terraform code is provided in setup directory, to create a CSR repository and Cloud build triggers:

    • The provided terrafrom uses service account impersonation, so first step you need to create a service account with project editor role and give your user permissions to generate an API token for it:
    USER=<[email protected]>
    gcloud auth application-default login
    gcloud iam service-accounts create terrafrom-sa
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT} --member serviceAccount:terraform-sa@${PROJECT} --role roles/editor
    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding terraform-sa@${PROJECT} --member user:${USER} --role roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator
    • In setup edit to set the proper gcp project and choose a name for your repository then run terraform apply to create your repository
    • To push code inside the repository you have to run those commands:
    git config --global credential.
    git remote add google<gcp_project_id>/r/<repository_name>
    git push --all google

Repository structure

├── setup                   # Terraform files to setup a CSR and Cloud Build trigger
├── app                     # Source code for the cloud function 
├── modules                   
│   └── cloudFunctions      # Terraform module to create the cloud function
├── envs                    # Terraform code to deploy the function in the environments
│   ├── dev                 # DEV environement 
│   └── prod                # PROD environement    
└── cloudbuild.yaml         # Cloud Build pipeline


  • To Add a new environement all what you need to do is to create a new environement directory in envs, The branch name should match your environment name otherwise only terraform plan will be executed in the existing environements
  • By default the build project and the target deployment project are the same, you can choose to use different projects by setting the project variable in the envs, to do so you have to give Cloud Build service account the project editor role to deploy on this project.


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