Releases: bbarker/RustyRogue
Releases · bbarker/RustyRogue
Spooky Rogue 23
- Improved wall glyphs
- Improved messaging, especially regarding showing stat changes for equipping and unequipping gear.
09-23-2023 "23 Ashley 23 Runyon"
- Added more equipment variety (materials and modifiers) that are now randomly generated and have drop rates influenced by level. This involved further extensions to the equipment system and some macro work. Also added more color variety for equipment materials.
- GameOver screen.
Equipment System, varying monsters, key bindings menu
- New Equipment System, though there are very few items so far (iron dagger and iron shield)
- Varying monsters: spawn rates for different monsters vary by level, and some monsters are more difficult than others
- Key bindings menu: now displays all the actions the player may take and how to achieve that.
Xmas 2022: Fireballs and magic missiles
Note: you can exit out of targeting by clicking somewhere outside the target zone.
Note 2: Fireballs have a blast radius of 3, so beware your own hide.
Note 3: Currently, single-target effects will actually target all entities in a single tile.
Potions and mobs and basic maps. Controls are coded here.