A numerical toolbox to distinguish between ergodic and localized phases in quantum many-body systems.
Prerequisites: Python 3.7.6+, QuSpin 0.3.6+
The programs
along with their corresponding tools
- inst_ham -- instantaneous Hamiltonian
- ener -- disorder-averaged energy spectrum
- ener_spac -- disorder-concatenated energy spacings
- ent -- disorder-averaged entanglement entropy spectrum
- ent_mid* -- disorder-averaged entanglement entropy for a mid state only
- overlap -- disorder-averaged overlap spectrum
- exp_val -- disorder-averaged expectation value spectrum
- spec_func* -- disorder-averaged spectral function
- W_flow -- disorder evolution
- ener_W_flow -- disorder-averaged energy spectrum against disorder amplitude
- r_W_flow -- disorder-averaged first moment of the energy spacings against disorder amplitude
- ent_W_flow -- disorder-averaged entanglement entropy spectrum against disorder amplitude
- ent_rel_W_flow -- disorder-averaged relative entropy against disorder amplitude
- L_flow -- length evolution
- ent_L_flow* -- disorder-averaged entanglement entropy spectrum against length
- ent_mid_L_flow* -- disorder-averaged entanglement entropy of a mid state against length
- t_flow -- time evolution
- ent_t_flow -- disorder-averaged entanglement entropy of a given state against time
- numb_fluc_t_flow -- disorder-averaged particle number fluctuations against time
- overlap_t_flow -- disorder-averaged overlap against time
*mutually exclusive tools
The plot
- ener_spec -- energy spectrum
python code/inst_ham.py -mod heisenberg -thr 1 -L 8 -bc o -dis 1 -W 0.5
python code/inst_ham.py -mod heisenberg -thr 1 -L 8 -bc o -dis 1 -W 8
- ent_arc -- entanglement entropy arc
python code/inst_ham.py -mod heisenberg -thr 1 -L 12 -bc o -dis 1 -W 0.5
python code/inst_ham.py -mod heisenberg -thr 1 -L 12 -bc o -dis 1 -W 8
- ener_stat -- energy spacing statistics
python code/inst_ham.py -mod heisenberg -Nup 4 -pauli 0 -L 8 -bc o -dis 10000 -W 0.5
python code/inst_ham.py -mod heisenberg -Nup 4 -pauli 0 -L 8 -bc o -dis 10000 -W 8
- overlap_spec -- overlap-eigenenergy spectrum (cf. Fig.3b of [Turner2018])
python code/inst_ham.py -mod pxp -L 18 -bc o
python code/inst_ham.py -mod pxp -L 20 -bc o
- overlap_stat -- overlap statistics (cf. Fig.2b of [Turner2018])
python code/inst_ham.py -mod pxp -L 10 -bc o
python code/inst_ham.py -mod pxp -L 12 -bc o
- eth_arc -- eigenstate thermalization hypothesis arc (cf. Fig.2a of [Turner2018])
python code/inst_ham.py -mod pxp -L 26 -bc o
python code/inst_ham.py -mod pxp -L 28 -bc o
- scar_gap_scal -- scar state energy gap scaling (cf. Fig.4 of [Turner2018])
python code/inst_ham.py -mod pxp -L 10 -bc o
python code/inst_ham.py -mod pxp -L 12 -bc o
- r_W_flow -- first moment of the energy spacings disorder evolution (cf. Fig.3 of [Pal2010])
python code/W_flow.py -mod heisenberg -L 8 -Nup 4 -pauli 0 -bc o -dis 11000 -W_min 0.5 -W_max 12.5 -W_samp 24
- ent_W_flow -- entanglement entropy disorder evolution
python code/W_flow.py -mod heisenberg -L 8 -Nup 4 -pauli 0 -bc o -dis 10000 -W_min 0.5 -W_max 12.5 -W_samp 24
- ent_rel_W_flow -- relative entropy disorder evolution (cf. Fig.2b of [Luitz2015])
python code/W_flow.py -mod heisenberg -L 8 -Nup 4 -pauli 0 -bc o -dis 1000 -W_min 0.2 -W_max 4.9 -W_samp 23
python code/W_flow.py -mod heisenberg -L 10 -Nup 5 -pauli 0 -bc o -dis 1000 -W_min 0.2 -W_max 4.9 -W_samp 23
python code/W_flow.py -mod heisenberg -L 12 -Nup 6 -pauli 0 -bc o -dis 1000 -W_min 0.2 -W_max 4.9 -W_samp 23
- ent_mid_L_flow -- entanglement entropy length evolution (cf. Fig.3c of [Luitz2015])
python code/L_flow.py -mod heisenberg -L_min 12 -L_max 16 -L_samp 3 -Nup_min 6 -Nup_max 8 -pauli 0 -bc o -dis 100 -W 0.5
python code/L_flow.py -mod heisenberg -L_min 12 -L_max 16 -L_samp 3 -Nup_min 6 -Nup_max 8 -pauli 0 -bc o -dis 100 -W 8
- ent_t_flow -- entanglement entropy time evolution (cf. Fig.2 of [Nanduri2014])
With v=0
in the initial Bloch state.
python code/t_flow.py -mod heisenberg -L 6 -J 1 1 0.2 -t_min -1 -t_max 6 -t_samp 100 -dis 100 -bc o -W 0.5
python code/t_flow.py -mod heisenberg -L 6 -J 1 1 0.2 -t_min -1 -t_max 6 -t_samp 100 -dis 100 -bc o -W 10
- numb_fluc_t_flow -- particle number fluctuation time evolution (cf. Fig.2a of [Bardarson2012])
With v=1
in the initial Bloch state.
python code/t_flow.py -mod heisenberg -L 8 -pauli 0 -J 1 1 0 -t_min -2 -t_max 3 -t_samp 50 -dis 1000 -bc o -W 5 -tag ".v_1"
python code/t_flow.py -mod heisenberg -L 8 -pauli 0 -J 1 1 0.2 -t_min -2 -t_max 3 -t_samp 50 -dis 1000 -bc o -W 5 -tag ".v_1"
- overlap_t_flow -- overlap time evolution (cf. Fig.6 of [Turner2018])
python code/t_flow.py -mod pxp -L 24 -bc o -t_min 0 -t_max 30 -t_samp 1000 -tag ".Z2"
python code/t_flow.py -mod pxp -L 24 -bc o -t_min 0 -t_max 30 -t_samp 1000 -tag ".Z3"
python code/t_flow.py -mod pxp -L 24 -bc o -t_min 0 -t_max 30 -t_samp 1000 -tag ".Z4"
- spec_func -- spectral function (cf. Fig.2c of [Turner2018])
python code/inst_ham.py -mod pxp -L 26 -bc o
The programs
along with their corresponding tools
- inst_U -- instantaneous Floquet unitary
- q_ener -- disorder-averaged quasi-energy spectrum
- q_ener_spac -- disorder-concatenated quasi-energy spacings
- floq_struc -- disorder-averaged Floquet eigenstate structure
- loc_len -- disorder-averaged localization length per Floquet eigenstate
- N_flow -- Floquet cycle evolution
- ener_abs_N_flow -- disorder-averaged energy absorbed against N
- ent_N_flow -- disorder-averaged entanglement entropy against N
- info_ent_N_flow* -- disorder-averaged Floquet-eigenstate-average information entropy against N
- T_flow -- Floquet time evolution
- PR_T_flow -- disorder-averaged Floquet-eigenstate-average participation ratio against T
- delta_flow -- drive period evolution
- q_ener_delta_flow -- disorder-averaged quasi-energy spectrum against delta
- loc_len_delta_flow -- disorder-averaged Floquet-eigenstate-averaged localization length against delta
- PR_delta_flow -- disorder-averaged Floquet-eigenstate-average participation ratio against delta
- ent_delta_flow* -- disorder-averaged entanglement entropy against delta
- L_flow -- length evolution
- ent_L_flow* -- disorder-averaged entanglement entropy against length
- ent_mid_L_flow* -- disorder-averaged entanglement entropy of a mid state against length
*mutually exclusive tools
The plot
- q_ener_spec -- quasi-energy spectrum
python code/inst_U.py -mod ponte2015 -L 8 -pauli 0 -bc o -W 0.5 -h0 2 -T0 7 -T1 1.5
python code/inst_U.py -mod ponte2015 -L 8 -pauli 0 -bc o -W 8 -h0 2 -T0 7 -T1 1.5
- q_ener_stat -- quasi-energy spacing statistics
python code/inst_U.py -mod ponte2015 -L 8 -Nup 4 -pauli 0 -bc o -W 0.5 -h0 2 -T0 7 -T1 1.5 -dis 10000
python code/inst_U.py -mod ponte2015 -L 8 -Nup 4 -pauli 0 -bc o -W 0.5 -h0 2 -T0 7 -T1 1.5 -dis 10000
- floq_struc -- Floquet eigenstate structure (cf. Fig.2a of [Ponte2015])
python code/inst_U.py -mod ponte2015 -L 8 -pauli 0 -bc o -W 0.5 -h0 2 -T0 7 -T1 1.5
python code/inst_U.py -mod ponte2015 -L 8 -pauli 0 -bc o -W 8 -h0 2 -T0 7 -T1 1.5
- ener_abs_N_flow -- energy absorbed N evolution (cf. Fig.2c of [Ponte2015])
python code/N_flow.py -mod ponte2015 -L 8 -pauli 0 -bc o -W 0.5 -h0 2 -T0 7 -T1 1.5 -N 31 -dis 100
python code/N_flow.py -mod ponte2015 -L 8 -pauli 0 -bc o -W 8 -h0 2 -T0 7 -T1 1.5 -N 31 -dis 100
- ent_N_flow -- entanglement entropy N evolution
With v=0
in the initial Bloch state.
python code/N_flow.py -mod spin2021 -L 8 -bc o -W 2 -T0 1 -T1 1 -N 201 -dis 10 -delta 0.9
python code/N_flow.py -mod spin2021 -L 8 -bc o -W 2 -T0 1 -T1 1 -N 201 -dis 10 -delta 0.1
- ent_info_N_flow -- information entropy N evolution (cf. Fig.4 of [DAlessio2014])
python code/N_flow.py -mod spin2021 -L 400 -Nup 1 -bc o -W 2 -T0 1 -T1 1 -N 60 -dis 10 -delta 0.9
python code/N_flow.py -mod spin2021 -L 400 -Nup 1 -bc o -W 2 -T0 1 -T1 1 -N 60 -dis 10 -delta 0.1
- PR_T_flow -- participation ratio T evolution (cf. Fig.2b of [Ponte2015])
python code/T_flow.py -mod ponte2015 -pauli 0 -L 8 -h0 2 -T0 7 -dis 5 -bc o -W 0.5 -T_min 0 -T_max 3 -T_samp 16
python code/T_flow.py -mod ponte2015 -pauli 0 -L 8 -h0 2 -T0 7 -dis 5 -bc o -W 8 -T_min 0 -T_max 3 -T_samp 16
- q_ener_delta_flow -- quasi-energy spectrum delta evolution
python code/delta_flow.py -mod spin2021 -Nup 1 -L 20 -bc o -T0 1 -T1 1 -W 0 -delta_min 0 -delta_max 1 -delta_samp 24
- loc_len_delta_flow -- localization length delta evolution
python code/delta_flow.py -mod spin2021 -dis 10 -Nup 1 -L 200 -bc o -T0 1 -T1 1 -W 1 -delta_min 0 -delta_max 1 -delta_samp 11
- PR_delta_flow -- participation ratio delta evolution
python code/delta_flow.py -mod spin2021 -dis 10 -Nup 1 -L 100 -bc o -T0 1 -T1 1 -W 2 -delta_min 0 -delta_max 1 -delta_samp 21
python code/delta_flow.py -mod spin2021 -dis 10 -Nup 1 -L 200 -bc o -T0 1 -T1 1 -W 2 -delta_min 0 -delta_max 1 -delta_samp 21
python code/delta_flow.py -mod spin2021 -dis 10 -Nup 1 -L 300 -bc o -T0 1 -T1 1 -W 2 -delta_min 0 -delta_max 1 -delta_samp 21
- ent_delta_flow -- entanglement entropy delta evolution
python code/delta_flow.py -mod spin2021 -dis 100 -L 12 -bc o -T0 1 -T1 1 -W 2 -delta_min 0 -delta_max 1 -delta_samp 11
- ent_L_flow -- entanglement entropy length evolution
python code/L_flow.py -mod spin2021 -L_min 6 -L_max 12 -L_samp 4 -bc o -dis 100 -T0 1 -T1 1 -delta 0.1 -W 2
Hoffman2 uses the Univa Grid Engine batch-queueing system on CentOS (Fedora/RHEL).
- htop -- allows you to view memory and CPU usage
- parallel -- allows you to conveniently parallelize jobs
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/local/bin
to access personal programs (installed above)export PYTHONUNBUFFERED='True'
to view output of running python jobs in real time
source /u/local/Modules/default/init/modules.sh
module load anaconda3
source /u/local/apps/anaconda3/2020.11/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
conda activate bart
...where the anaconda path is found via...
conda info | grep -i 'base environment'
Alternatively, you can set up a conda environment in your home directory:
conda init bash
conda env create --name bart --file=environment.yml
conda activate bart
...then, once everything is set-up, you can simply source your bash configuration in the submission script instead:
source /u/home/b/baandr12/.bash_profile
source /u/home/b/baandr12/.bashrc
module list
-- list currently loaded modulesmodule avail
-- list available modules to loadmodule load
/module unload
-- add or remove modulesmygroup
-- view accessible private resourcesmyquota
-- view my quota for home and scratchqhost
-- view all cluster nodesqstat -U baandr12
-- view all jobs running on the parts of cluster where I have accessqstat -u baandr12
-- view the status of my running jobsqstat -q bhaumik_pod.q
-- status of bhaumik queueqstat -j 627506
-- print the information for a particular jobqsub srun.sh
-- submit a scriptqdel 660385
-- delete a job
resource group currently has 8 intel-E5-2697 nodes, each with 32 cores and 512GB RAM
qstat -q *.q@n{6..7}06{1..4}
-- view all running jobs on bhaumik nodes (fast)qstat -f | sed -n -e '/q@n[6-7]06[1-4]/,/---/ p'
-- view the full status of all bhaumik nodes (slow)
[Pal2010] "Many-body localization phase transition", by Arijeet Pal and David Huse, PRB 82, 174411 (2010).
[Luitz2015] "Many-body localization edge in the random-field Heisenberg chain", by David Luitz, Nicolas Laflorencie, and Fabien Alet, PRB 91, 081103(R) (2015).
[Nanduri2014] "Entanglement spreading in a many-body localized system", by Arun Nanduri, Hyungwon Kim, and David Huse, PRB 90, 064201 (2014).
[Ponte2015] "Periodically driven ergodic and many-body localized quantum systems" by Pedro Ponte, Anushya Chandran, Zlatko Papić, and Dmitry Abanin, Annals of Physics 353, 196 (2015).
[DAlessio2014] "Long-time Behavior of Isolated Periodically Driven Interacting Lattice Systems" by Luca D’Alessio and Marcos Rigol, PRX 4, 041048 (2014).
[Bardarson2012] "Unbounded growth of entanglement in models of many-body localization" by Jens Bardarson, Frank Pollmann, Joel Moore, PRL 109, 017202 (2012).
[Turner2018] "Quantum scarred eigenstates in a Rydberg atom chain: entanglement, breakdown of thermalization, and stability to perturbations", PRB 98, 155134 (2018).