A Discord bot implementing exclusively QOL & entertainment for all users.
- Visit now to invite the bot, get support & vote to support Barriot yourself!
Voters get rewards such as custom Embed colors, access to more information about users, and much more.
- Please visit the wiki to see all commands and their use cases.
Command documentation is also available on each individual command description. If a command is very unclear, and documentation does not clarify well enough, please open an issue covering it's lack of context.
- Please read the privacy policy carefully if you have any concern about how Barriot handles your information.
- If you wish to have all stored data associated to you removed, Feel free to get into contact at
[email protected]
or on any other platform. Please include your Discord user ID to speed up the process.
Data will be removed up until the point of re-interacting with Barriot. If you wish to avoid this, please block the bot on Discord.
- Bugs, security concerns & other issues related to Barriot can be opened in this repository, and will be handled as soon as possible.
If you are interested in committing a code fix directly, you can open a PR following the contribution guidelines below.