Finder relaunch automatically.
Comments in Android related env vars in .bashrc and .zshrc.
ERROR/WARN/INFO preffix for logs.
environment variable. #74
GIT remote to the oh-my-zsh info. #80
Order modules by priority at
Setup Finder to show hidden files at the beginning in favor of future errors.
Intellij IDEA and Android Studio download links changed to JetBrains toolbox.
Minor things in README to make it clearer.
Google Drive client for OS X now is only suggested via the official download page.
Tomcat to v9.0.20.
Install ZSH only when isn't already installed.
Java installed through sdkman.
Log files are cleaned on each run.
GIT properties now are configured ok. #66
Directories tree now is fully created.
command in README as well as logs.
Fallback when cding because currently it's not exiting right.
Not going back to EFU's execution directory after installing Android utilities.
Tomcat installation was breaking the script.
command execution on OS X without having it installed.
Missing logs on summary.
Deprecated links and graphics from README.
Dex2Jar Android utility in favor of user specific needs.
Go language in favor of user's specific needs.
Global Gradle properties in favor of per project optimized settings.
Duplicated logs.
You can’t perform that action at this time.