IMPORTANT Due to using custom fonts, GlamourUI requires ashita version or higher. If you attempt to load GlamourUI and receive the error in the following screenshot, then your version of Ashita needs to be uodated.
GlamourUI Is a UI enhancement addon for Ashita v4. The primary goal is to allow for a platform for as much customization as possible. Using this platform, you can make YOUR UI.
Want the different components of your party list rearranged? The layout engine provides an easy means to do so. Want to make custom textures for everything? The theming engine can easily accomplish that.
Download and Setup Instructions:
Download the latest release from:
Extract the contents of the zip file directly into your Ashita folder or Horizon\Game\ folder.
I have added a new Theme Repository for players to create their own themes and share them: Clone the repository, make your new theme in its own folder, then create a pull request. This will be the best way for user generated themes to be shared with other players. I'm excited to see what others' designs are.
Recommended first load commands:
/glam newlayout NewLayoutName
/glam config
Select your new layout file in the config Window
/glam layout
These steps will create a new layout file and allow you to customize the layout without affecting the default layout.
The Angular Theme includes a custom layout file designed to be used specifically with the theme. While the Angular-Primary theme can be used with the default layout, the Angular-PartyList theme will look strange without the theme-specific layout due to the heavily customized bars. All included themes and layouts are intended for example purposes. While everyone is welcome to use the included themes and layouts, I would love to see what others can design.
GlamourUI commands:
/glam - The primary command. This will print a help text to the chatlog.
/glam help - This mimics the /glam command.
/glam config - Opens the GlamourUI Configuration Window
/glam layout - Opens the In-Game Layout Editor
/glam newlayout UniqueLayoutName - Creates a new layout file with the name: UniqueLayoutName
Example Screenshots Party List:
Target Bar: